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The organelles of plant and animal cells

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Presentation on theme: "The organelles of plant and animal cells"— Presentation transcript:

1 The organelles of plant and animal cells

2 Generalized plant cell




6 Generalized animal cell


8 cell wall Provides structural support to the cell

9 cell membrane Semi-permeable
Acts as a gatekeeper, controlling what can enter or leave the cell

10 cytoplasm The fluid matrix that holds all the organelles in place
Composed of 80% water Location of many chemical reactions Consists of the everything contained inside the cell membrane

11 nucleus The nucleus controls the activities of the cell through the code stored in the DNA The chromatin (which become visible as chromosomes during cell division) contains the DNA (genetic material) The nuclear membrane protects the DNA and allows transport of material in and out of the nucleus.


13 endoplasmic reticulum
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is connected and continuous with the nuclear membrane and the cell membrane It forms a transportation network throughout the cell


15 ribosomes Produced by the nucleolus (in the nucleus)
Create proteins which are the building blocks of many structures Found in the cytoplasm and on some kinds of endoplasmic reticulum

16 Golgi apparatus A series of folded membranes that packages and transports products Small membrane bound structures called vesicles are pinched off and carry the materials out of the cell



19 vesicles Membrane covered sacs produced by Golgi apparatus that store and transport materials Can fuse with the cell membrane to transport materials out of the cell


21 vacuole Vacuoles store:
food water wastes The central vacuole of a mature plant cell is often quite large Animal cells often have several small vacuoles


23 mitochondrion Create energy from food (glucose)


25 chloroplast The sites of photosynthesis (production of glucose from sunlight, water and CO2)


27 Surface Area to Volume Ratio
There is a reason why plant and animal cells must remain small Calculate the volume to surface areas of three cells that are 1mm3, 2 mm3, and 3mm3

28 Copy and Complete

29 Copy and Complete

30 Copy and Complete

31 Copy and Complete

32 Surface Area to Volume Ratio
There is a reason why plant and animal cells must remain small Calculate the volume to surface areas of three cells that are 1mm3, 2 mm3, and 3mm3 The cells with the largest ratios are the most efficient.

33 Surface Area to Volume Ratio
There is a reason why plant and animal cells must remain small Calculate the volume to surface areas of three cells that are 1mm3, 2 mm3, and 3mm3 The cells with the largest ratios are the most efficient. Predict the SA:Vol ratio for a cell that is .5mm3


35 The end

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