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A B C D E.

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1 A B C D E

2 Figure legend Examples of colorectal carcinoma with varied amounts of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and neutrophils. A illustrates a tumor with some luminal necrosis, but no apparent infiltration by either TILs or neutrophils. B illustrates a tumor that has grade 1 TILs (<10/medium power field, examples highlighted by yellow arrow), and grade 1 neurotrophils (easily discernible but low in number, mostly scattered in the stroma with only occasional clustering in small numbers, red arrow points to a small cluster); C illustrates a tumor with grade 2 TILs (10-20/medium power, yellow arrow) adn grade 2 neutrophils (conspicuous with easily discernible abscesses within tumor glands, red arrow); D illustrates a tumor with grade 3 TILs (>20/medium power, yellow arrow); E illustrates a tumor with grade 3 neutrophils (profuse with intra-epithelial neutrophils or abscesses disrupting tumor glands, red arrow).

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