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School SEND Information Exchange November 2017

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1 School SEND Information Exchange November 2017
LOCAL OFFER UPDATE School SEND Information Exchange November 2017

2 Schools and the Local Offer

3 Engagement with Schools
Eleven months in….. slowly but surely awareness is on the up! Month on month we have more new visitors and more returning visitors to the site. Huge thanks to the SENCOs who have invited me in to support at your school’s events. It’s really paying off!!

4 Scores on the doors = 1 setting a week
Nursery settings = 4 Primary schools = 21 Secondary Schools = 8 Special schools = 4 Colleges = 2 SENCO cluster meetings = 6 Head Teacher cluster meetings = 2 PTA events = 2

5 Since I saw you in July…. 2 editions of the Local Offer E- Newsletter
I hope they’re of interest to you? I’ve attended Easy Read training with Mencap I’ve briefed all School Nurses and Health Visitors and forged new links with partners in the CCG to enrich the Health content on the website I’ve spent the summer holidays with Captain Underpants at the Odeon cinema meeting parents of children with SEND, listening to their experiences and signposting them to the help they need

6 Since I saw you in July ….. Working on a review of the Short Breaks provision in Wirral Working with colleagues from other Authorities to significantly improve the Post 16 content on the Local Offer websites Attended the Youth Voice Conference and Youth Parliament event Invited to sit on the newly formed Wirral’s Bereavement Advisory group

7 Supporting Schools Requests from SENCOs to play an observer role in SEND Panel Meetings have proved to be very popular. SENCOs who have attended feed back that they found it very useful and undoubtedly helped them in their approach to submitting applications. Just get in touch with me if you’re interested in attending either a primary or secondary panel.

14th December 25th January 8th February 1st March 15th March 29th March 26th April 10th May 24th May 14th June 28th June 12th July

7th December 21st December 18th January 1st February 15th February 8th March 22nd March 19th April 3rd May 17th May 7th June 21st June 5th July 19th July

10 SEND Information Report
In July I mentioned the importance of annually reviewing your school’s SEND Information report and SEND policy Pleasingly, the vast majority of SENCOs had revised documentation in place for the start of the new academic year and ensured there was a link directly to the Local Offer website. I can see from the e mails you send me that you’re busy bees working all hours of the day/night so I really appreciate you making time to tick this very important box. Thank you!

11 ‘News’ feature

12 Numbers are growing….

13 Social Media & the Local Offer
Please like Please follow @lowirral

14 Team of 1 - I need & value your help!
Whenever and wherever you are able to make parent/carers and our young people aware of the Local Offer – please do so. Maybe………………. A mention in school newsletters? An invite to attend events attended by parents/carers? Promoting the Children & Young Person’s Disability Register.

15 If you struggle to find information
If you identify gaps in information If you spot out of date information…..just let me know and I’ll put it right. If you have any suggestions/feedback You can call me on or e mail me at

16 2018 dates for your diary JULY Tuesday 17th from 1pm to 3.30pm or
APRIL JULY Tuesday 17th from 1pm to 3.30pm or Wednesday 18th from 9am-11.30am Tuesday 3rd from 1pm to 3.30pm or Wednesday 4th from 9am-11.30am

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