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Metrics and Measurements

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1 Metrics and Measurements
AIM: To be able to accurately measure and record data

2 The Metric System

3 Do Now: Why does pepsi sink and diet pepsi float?
Describe in your notebook in 1 paragraph why you think this phenomena is happening. In the 2nd paragraph, describe a way we could test your idea to see if you are correct!

4 Density Density measures the amount of mass per unit of volume
Density = mass (grams) volume (mL, cm3, or cc)

5 “My dear Ex Valentine” Gives other Formulas
D x V D = M V

6 “My dear Ex Valentine” Gives other Formulas
D x V M = D x V

7 “My dear Ex Valentine” Gives other Formulas
D x V V = M D

8 M D x V G: M = 1.2g U: Density V = 5.0 cm3 F: D = M V D = 1.2g 5.0 cm3
1.What is the density of cork if the mass is 1.2 grams and the volume is 5.0 cm3? M D x V G: M = 1.2g U: Density V = 5.0 cm3 F: D = M V D = 1.2g 5.0 cm3 S: D = .24 g/cm3

9 2. What is the density of ice if the mass is 7
2.What is the density of ice if the mass is 7.36 grams and each side of the ice cube is 2.0cm? G: M = 7.36g V = L x W x H 2.0 x 2.0 x 2.0 V = 8.0 cm3 U: D D = M V F: D = 7.36g 8.0 cm3 S: D = .92 g/cm3

10 3. An irregular shaped piece of white pine when dropped in a graduated cylinder holding a volume of water equal to 2.0 mL rises to 5.0 mL. The mass measures 1.5 grams, what is the white pines density? G: M = 1.5g U: D V = Vf - Vo 5.0 – V = 3.0 mL

11 G: M = 1.5g D U: V = Vf - Vo 5.0 – 2.0 V = 3.0 mL F: D = M V D = 1.5g
D x V 5.0 – 2.0 V = 3.0 mL F: D = M V D = 1.5g 3.0 mL S: D = .5 g/mL

12 If an object is less than water’s density 1.0g/cc,
Will it float or sink? It will float

13 What are the densities of each of these blocks
What are the densities of each of these blocks? Which block is the most dense? Which block is the least dense? Water Level D A B C

14 Which block is the most dense? The least dense?
Least Dense =.2 g/cm3 Water Level D A D = .8 g/cm3 B Same Density as H2O = 1.0g/cm3 C Most Dense

15 What is the density of each substance?
A. Cork B. Ice C. White pine D. Gas E. Water F. Rock .25 .5 .7 A .9 1.0 C D B E Water Level D=1.0g/cc F More than 1.0

16 Arrange the Objects in order from Least Dense to more Dense.

17 Were you right? Least Dense X Y Most Dense Z

18 Arrange the Objects in order from Least Dense to more Dense.

19 Least Dense A D C Most Dense B

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