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Presentation on theme: "CIS 595 Image ENHANCEMENT SPATIAL DOMAIN"— Presentation transcript:

in the SPATIAL DOMAIN Dr. Rolf Lakaemper

2 Most of these slides base on the book Digital Image Processing
by Gonzales/Woods

3 Spatial Filtering Spatial Filtering

4 Operation on the set of ‘neighborhoods’ N(x,y) of each pixel
Spatial Filtering Spatial Filtering: Operation on the set of ‘neighborhoods’ N(x,y) of each pixel 6 8 12 200 (Operator: sum) 6 8 2 226 12 200 20 10

5 N(p) = {(x,y): |x-xP|=1, |y-yP| = 1}
Spatial Filtering Neighborhood of a pixel p at position x,y is a set N(p) of pixels defined relative to p. Example 1: N(p) = {(x,y): |x-xP|=1, |y-yP| = 1} P Q

6 More examples of neighborhoods:
Spatial Filtering More examples of neighborhoods: P P P P P P

7 The most prominent neighborhoods are the
Spatial Filtering Usually neighborhoods are used which are close to discs, since properties of the eucledian metric are often useful. The most prominent neighborhoods are the 4-Neighborhood and the 8-Neighborhood P P

8 We will define spatial filters on the
Spatial Filtering We will define spatial filters on the 8-Neighborhood and their bigger relevants. P P P N8 N24 N48

9 Spatial Filtering Index system for N8: n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9

10 P = i ni Motivation: what happens to P if we apply the
Spatial Filtering Motivation: what happens to P if we apply the following formula: P = i ni n1 n2 n3 n4 n5=P n6 n7 n8 n9

11 P = i ai ni with ai given by:
Spatial Filtering What happens to P if we apply this formula: P = i ai ni with ai given by: a1=1 a2=1 a3=1 a4=1 a5=4 a6=1 a7=1 a8=1 a9=1

12 Linear Image Filters Spatial Filtering
Linear operations calculate the resulting value in the output image pixel f(i,j) as a linear combination of brightness in a local neighborhood of the pixel h(i,j) in the input image. This equation is called discrete convolution: Function w is called a convolution kernel or a filter mask. In our case it is a rectangle of size (2a+1)x(2b+1).

13 Spatial Filtering

14 Spatial Filtering Exercise: Compute the 2-D linear convolution of the following two signal X with mask w. Extend the signal X with 0’s where needed.

15 Lets have a look at different values of ai and their effects !
Spatial Filtering Lets have a look at different values of ai and their effects ! This MATLAB program creates an interesting output: % Description: given an image 'im', % create 12 filtered versions using % randomly designed filters for i=1:12 a=rand(7,7); % create a % random 7x % filter-matrix a=a*2 - 1; % range: -1 to 1 a=a/sum(a(:)); % normalize im1=conv2(im,a);% Filter subplot(4,3,i); imshow(im1/max(im1(:))); end

16 Spatial Filtering

17 Different effects of the previous slides included:
Spatial Filtering Different effects of the previous slides included: Blurring / Smoothing Sharpening Edge Detection All these effects can be achieved using different coefficients.

18 (Sometimes also referred to as averaging or lowpass-filtering)
Spatial Filtering Blurring / Smoothing (Sometimes also referred to as averaging or lowpass-filtering) Average the values of the center pixel and its neighbors: Purpose: Reduction of ‘irrelevant’ details Noise reduction Reduction of ‘false contours’ (e.g. produced by zooming)

19 Blurring / Smoothing 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1/9 1 1 1 Apply this scheme
Spatial Filtering Blurring / Smoothing 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1/9 1 1 1 Apply this scheme to every single pixel !

20 Example 2: Weighted average
Spatial Filtering Example 2: Weighted average 1 2 1 2 4 2 * 1/16 1 2 1

21 The general formula for weighted average:
Spatial Filtering Basic idea: Weigh the center point the highest, decrease weight by distance to center. The general formula for weighted average: P = i ai ni / i ai Constant value, depending on mask, not on image !

22 Blurring using different radii (=size of neighborhood)
Spatial Filtering Blurring using different radii (=size of neighborhood)

23 Spatial Filtering EDGE DETECTION

24 Spatial Filtering EDGE DETECTION Purpose: Preprocessing Sharpening

25 What are edges in an image?
Spatial Filtering What are edges in an image? Edges are those places in an image that correspond to object boundaries. Edges are pixels where image brightness changes abruptly. Brightness vs. Spatial Coordinates

26 Motivation: Derivatives
Spatial Filtering Motivation: Derivatives

27 First and second order derivative
Spatial Filtering First and second order derivative

28 First and second order derivative
Spatial Filtering First and second order derivative 1st order generally produces thicker edges 2nd order shows stronger response to detail 1st order generally response stronger to gray level step 2nd order produce double (pos/neg) response at step change

29 Definition of 1 dimensional discrete 1st order derivative:
Spatial Filtering Definition of 1 dimensional discrete 1st order derivative: dF/dX = f(x+1) – f(x) The 2nd order derivative is the derivative of the 1st order derivative…

30 F(x+1)-F(x) – (F(x)-F(x-1))
Spatial Filtering The 2nd order derivative is the derivative of the 1st order derivative… F(x-1) F(x) F(x+1) derive F(x)-F(x-1) F(x+1)-F(x) F(x+2)-F(x+1) F(x+1)-F(x) – (F(x)-F(x-1)) F(x+1)-F(x) – (F(x)-F(x-1))= F(x+1) -2F(x)+F(x-1)

31 One dimensional 2nd derivative in x direction:
Spatial Filtering One dimensional 2nd derivative in x direction: F(x+1)-F(x) – (F(x)-F(x-1))= F(x+1) -2F(x) +F(x-1) 1 -2 1 One dimensional 2nd derivative, direction y: 1 -2 1

32 TWO dimensional 2nd derivative (derivatives are linear !):
Spatial Filtering TWO dimensional 2nd derivative (derivatives are linear !): 1 1 + = 1 -2 1 -2 1 -4 1 1 1 This mask is called the ‘LAPLACIAN’ (remember calculus ?)

33 Different variants of the Laplacian
Spatial Filtering Different variants of the Laplacian

34 Effect of the Laplacian… (MATLAB)
Spatial Filtering Effect of the Laplacian… (MATLAB) im = im/max(im(:)); % create laplacian L=[1 1 1;1 -8 1; 1 1 1]; % Filter ! im1=conv2(im,L); % normalize and show im1=(im1-min(im1(:))) / (max(im1(:))-min(im1(:))); imshow(im1);

35 Spatial Filtering

36 Spatial Filtering A Quick Note Matlab’s image processing toolbox provides edge function to find edges in an image: I = imread('rice.tif'); BW1 = edge(I,'prewitt'); BW2 = edge(I,'canny'); imshow(BW1) figure, imshow(BW2) Edge function supports six different edge- finding methods: Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts, Laplacian of Gaussian, Zero-cross, and Canny.

37 Edges detected by the Laplacian can be used to sharpen
Spatial Filtering Edges detected by the Laplacian can be used to sharpen the image ! +

38 Spatial Filtering

39 Sharpening can be done in 1 pass:
Spatial Filtering Sharpening can be done in 1 pass: -1 -1 + = -1 4 -1 1 -1 5 -1 -1 -1 LAPLACIAN Original Image Sharpened Image

40 Sharpening in General:
Spatial Filtering Sharpening in General: Unsharp Masking and High Boost Filtering

41 Basic Idea (unsharp masking):
Spatial Filtering Basic Idea (unsharp masking): Subtract a BLURRED version of an image from the image itself ! Fsharp = F – Fblurred

42 - = Variation: emphasize original image (high-boost filtering):
Spatial Filtering Variation: emphasize original image (high-boost filtering): Fsharp = a*F – Fblurred , a>=1 -1 1 - = -1 a-1 -1 a 1 1 1 -1 1

43 Different Examples of High-Boost Filters:
Spatial Filtering Different Examples of High-Boost Filters: -1 a=1 -1 -1 -1 -1 a=6 -1 5 -1 -1 -1 a=1e7+1 -1 1e7 -1 -1 Laplacian + Image !

44 Spatial Filtering

45 Enhancement using the First Derivative:
Spatial Filtering Enhancement using the First Derivative: The Gradient Definition: 2 dim. column vector, (f) = [Gx ; Gy], G is 1st order derivative MAGNITUDE of gradient: Mag((f))= SQRT(Gx2 + Gy2)

46 For computational reasons the magnitude is often approximated by:
Spatial Filtering For computational reasons the magnitude is often approximated by: Mag ~ abs(Gx) + abs(Gy)

47 Mag ~ abs(Gx) + abs(Gy) “Sobel Operators”
Spatial Filtering Mag ~ abs(Gx) + abs(Gy) -1 1 -1 -2 -1 -2 2 -1 1 1 2 1 “Sobel Operators”

48 Sobel Operators are a pair of operators ! Effect of Sobel Filtering:
Spatial Filtering Sobel Operators are a pair of operators ! Effect of Sobel Filtering:

49 Sobel Operators are a pair of operators !
Spatial Filtering Sobel Operators are a pair of operators !

50 Remember the result some slides ago: First and second order derivative
Spatial Filtering Remember the result some slides ago: First and second order derivative 1st order generally produces thicker edges 2nd order shows stronger response to detail 1st order generally response stronger to gray level step 2nd order produce double (pos/neg) response at step change

51 In practice, multiple filters are combined to enhance images
Spatial Filtering In practice, multiple filters are combined to enhance images

52 Spatial Filtering …continued

53 Spatial Filtering

54 Non – Linear Filtering: Order-Statistics Filters
Spatial Filtering Non – Linear Filtering: Order-Statistics Filters Median Min Max

55 Spatial Filtering Median: The median M of a set of values is such that half the values in the set are less than (or equal to) M, and half are greater (or equal to) M. 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9

56 Most important properties of the median:
Spatial Filtering Most important properties of the median: less sensible to noise than mean an element of the original set of values needs sorting (O(n log(n))

57 Spatial Filtering Median vs. Mean

58 Spatial Filtering Min and Max 2 5 7 3 2 5 7 3 3 2 2 3 MIN 3 4 2 3 3 4 8 3 3 4 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MAX 2 5 7 3 3 8 2 3 3 4 8 3 3 3 3 3

59 Basics of Morphological Filtering
Spatial Filtering Basics of Morphological Filtering

60 Spatial Filtering Dilation:

61 Spatial Filtering Erosion:

62 Spatial Filtering opening:

63 Spatial Filtering closing:

64 Opening on binary images:
Spatial Filtering Opening on binary images: for i=2:2:18 se = strel('disk',i); imo = imopen(im1,se); subplot(3,3,(i)/2); imshow(imo); s=sprintf('disksize: %d',i); title(s); end

65 Opening on gray images:
Spatial Filtering Opening on gray images:

66 Closing on binary images:
Spatial Filtering Closing on binary images: for i=2:2:18 se = strel('disk',i); imo = imclose(im1,se); subplot(3,3,(i)/2); imshow(imo); s=sprintf('disksize: %d',i); title(s); end

67 Closing on gray images:
Spatial Filtering Closing on gray images:

68 Closing o Opening & Opening o Closing
Spatial Filtering Closing o Opening & Opening o Closing

69 Spatial Filtering Morphological Edges: Dilation - Original

70 (Exercise: surveillance camera)
Spatial Filtering (Exercise: surveillance camera)

71 …end of Operations in Spatial Domain.
Spatial Filtering …end of Operations in Spatial Domain. And now to something completely different ( really ?)

72 The FREQUENCY Domain

73 Some of these slides base on the textbook Digital Image Processing
by Gonzales/Woods Chapter 4

74 We called this the SPATIAL domain.
Frequency Domain So far we processed the image ‘directly’, i.e. the transformation was a function of the image itself. We called this the SPATIAL domain. So what’s the FREQUENCY domain ?

75 Let’s first forget about images, and look at SOUND.
SOUND: 1 dimensional function of changing (air-)pressure in time Pressure Time t

76 Sound SOUND: if the function is periodic, we perceive it as sound with a certain frequency (else it’s noise). The frequency defines the pitch. Pressure Time t

77 The AMPLITUDE of the curve defines the VOLUME
Sound The AMPLITUDE of the curve defines the VOLUME

78 The SHAPE of the curve defines the sound character
String Flute Brass

79 Sound How can the SHAPE of the curve be defined ?

80 Sound Listening to an orchestra, you can distinguish between different instruments, although the sound is a SINGLE FUNCTION ! Flute Brass String

81 Sound If the sound produced by an orchestra is the sum of different instruments, could it be possible that there are BASIC SOUNDS, that can be combined to produce every single sound ?

82 The answer (Charles Fourier, 1822):
Sound The answer (Charles Fourier, 1822): Any function that periodically repeats itself can be expressed as the sum of sines/cosines of different frequencies, each multiplied by a different coefficient

83 (Don’t take this remark seriously, please)
Sound Or differently: Since a flute produces a sine-curve like sound, a (huge) group of (outstanding) talented flautists could replace a classical orchestra. (Don’t take this remark seriously, please)

84 The sine-curve is defined by:
1D Functions A look at SINE / COSINE The sine-curve is defined by: Frequency (the number of oscillations between 0 and 2*PI) Amplitude (the height) Phase (the starting angle value) The constant y-offset, or DC (direct current)

85 The general sine-shaped function:
1D Functions The general sine-shaped function: f(t) = A * sin(t + ) + c Amplitude Frequency Phase Constant offset (usually set to 0)

86 What happens if we add sine and cosine ?
1D Functions Remember Fourier: …A function…can be expressed as the sum of sines/cosines… What happens if we add sine and cosine ?

87 (with A=sqrt(a^2+b^2) and tan  = b/a)
1D Functions a * sin(t) + b * cos(t) = A * sin(t + ) (with A=sqrt(a^2+b^2) and tan  = b/a) Adding sine and cosine of the same frequency yields just another sine function with different phase and amplitude, but same frequency. Or: adding a cosine simply shifts the sine function left/right and stretches it in y-direction. It does NOT change the sine-character and frequency of the curve.

88 Any function that periodically repeats itself…
1D Functions Remember Fourier, part II: Any function that periodically repeats itself… => To change the shape of the function, we must add sine-like functions with different frequencies.

89 This applet shows the result: Applet: Fourier Synthesis
1D Functions This applet shows the result: Applet: Fourier Synthesis

90 1D Functions What did we do ? Choose a sine curve having a certain frequency, called the base-frequency Choose sine curves having an integer multiple frequency of the base-frequency Shift each single one horizontally using the cosine-factor Choose the amplitude-ratio of each single frequency Sum them up

1D Functions This technique is called the FOURIER SYNTHESIS, the parameters needed are the sine/cosine ratios of each frequency. The parameters are called the FOURIER COEFFICIENTS

92 f(x)= a0/2 + k=1..n akcos(kx) + bksin(kx)
1D Functions As a formula: f(x)= a0/2 + k=1..n akcos(kx) + bksin(kx) Fourier Coefficients

93 The set of ak, bk TOTALLY defines the CURVE synthesized !
1D Functions Note: The set of ak, bk TOTALLY defines the CURVE synthesized ! We can therefore describe the SHAPE of the curve or the CHARACTER of the sound by the (finite ?) set of FOURIER COEFFICIENTS !

94 1D Functions Examples for curves, expressed by the sum of sines/cosines (the FOURIER SERIES):

95 f(x) = ½ - 1/pi * n 1/n *sin (n*pi*x)
1D Functions SAWTOOTH Function Freq. sin cos 1 2 1/2 3 1/3 4 1/4 f(x) = ½ - 1/pi * n 1/n *sin (n*pi*x)

96 f(x) = 4/pi * n=1,3,5 1/n *sin (n*pi*x)
1D Functions SQUARE WAVE Function Freq. sin cos 1 3 1/3 5 1/5 7 1/7 f(x) = 4/pi * n=1,3,5 1/n *sin (n*pi*x)

97 1D Functions What does the set of FOURIER COEFFICIENTS tell about the character of the shape ?

98 Steep slopes introduce HIGH FREQUENCIES.
1D Functions Result: Steep slopes introduce HIGH FREQUENCIES.

99 Motivation for Image Processing:
1D Functions Motivation for Image Processing: Steep slopes showed areas of high contrast… …so it would be nice to be able to get the set of FOURIER COEFFICIENTS if an arbitrary (periodically) function is given. (So far we talked about 1D functions, not images, this was just a motivation)

100 1D Functions The Problem now: Given an arbitrary but periodically 1D function (e.g. a sound), can you tell the FOURIER COEFFICIENTS to construct it ?

101 The answer (Charles Fourier):
1D Functions The answer (Charles Fourier): YES.

102 F(u)=1/Mx=0..M-1 f(x)e-i2ux/M
1D Functions With: eix=cos(x)+ i sin(x) The coefficients F(u) are given by (continous): F(u)=f(x)e-i2ux dx Discrete (M=number of samples): F(u)=1/Mx=0..M-1 f(x)e-i2ux/M

103 Note the similarity between analysis and synthesis:
1D Functions Note the similarity between analysis and synthesis: Analysis: F(u)=1/Mx=0..M-1 f(x)e-i2ux/M dx (with u=0..M-1) Synthesis: f(x)=u=0..M-1 F(u)ei2ux/M (with x=0..M-1)

104 1D Functions We don’t want to explain the mathematics behind the answer here, but simply use the MATLAB Fourier Transformation Function.

105 Input: A vector, representing the discrete function
1D Functions MATLAB - function fft: Input: A vector, representing the discrete function Output: The Fourier Coefficients as vector of imaginary numbers, scaled

106 s=sin(x)+cos(x) + sin(2*x) + 0.3*cos(2*x); f=fft(s);
1D Functions Example: x=0:2*pi/(2047):2*pi; s=sin(x)+cos(x) + sin(2*x) + 0.3*cos(2*x); f=fft(s); cos 1.3 i i -0.4 + 1.6i sin Freq. 0 Freq. 1 Freq. 2 Freq. 3

107 Transformation: t(a) = 2*a / length(result vector)
1D Functions 1.3 i i i Fr Re Im 1.3 1 1026.2 1022.8 2 310.1 1022.1 Fr Re Im ~0 1 ~1 2 ~0.3 Transformation: t(a) = 2*a / length(result vector)

108 real(F(k+1)) * 2 / L imag(F(k+1)) * 2 / L
1D Functions The fourier coefficients are given by: F=fft(function) L=length(F); %this is always = length(function) Coefficient for cosine, frequency k-times the base frequency: real(F(k+1)) * 2 / L Coefficient for sine, frequency k-times the base frequency: imag(F(k+1)) * 2 / L Since: a * sin(t) + b * cos(t) = A * sin(t + ) the Amplitude is given by: A=sqrt(a^2+b^2), The Phase by: tan  = b/a

109 An application using the Fourier Transform:
1D Functions An application using the Fourier Transform: Create an autofocus system for a digital camera We did this already, but differently ! (MATLAB DEMO)

110 Shape Database using Fourier Features
1D Functions Second application: Shape Database using Fourier Features (revisited)

111 Some Results Top 9 query

112 Some Results Top 9 query

113 2D Functions From Sound to Images: 2D Fourier Transform

114 Extend the base functions to 2 dimensions:
2D Functions The idea: Extend the base functions to 2 dimensions: fu(x) = sin(ux) fu,v(x,y) = sin(ux + vy)

115 The base function, direction x: u=1, v=0
2D Functions Some examples: The base function, direction x: u=1, v=0 x y

116 The base function, direction y: u=0, v=1
2D Functions The base function, direction y: u=0, v=1

117 2D Functions u=2, v=0

118 2D Functions u=0, v=2

119 2D Functions u=1, v=1

120 2D Functions u=1, v=2

121 2D Functions u=1, v=3

122 2D Functions As in 1D, the 2D image can be phase-shifted by adding a weighted cosine function: fu,v(x,y) = ak sin(ux + vy) + bk cos(ux + vy) + =

123 frequency-multiples (u,v):
2D Functions As basic functions, we get a pair of sine/cosine functions for every pair of frequency-multiples (u,v): u sin sin sin sin cos cos cos cos v sin sin sin sin cos cos cos cos sin sin sin sin cos cos cos cos

124 2D Functions Every single sin/cos function gets a weight, which is the Fourier Coefficient: u a a a a b b b b v a a a a b b b b a a a a b b b b

125 The set of weights defines the 2D function.
2D Functions Summing all basic functions with their given weight gives a new function. As in 1D: Every 2D function can be synthesized using the basic functions with specific weights. The set of weights defines the 2D function.

126 Summing basic functions of different frequencies:
2D Functions Example: Summing basic functions of different frequencies:

127 Summing basic functions of different frequencies:
2D Functions Example: Summing basic functions of different frequencies:

128 MATLAB Demo: Bear Reconstruction
2D Functions MATLAB Demo: Bear Reconstruction


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