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Interdisciplinary Investigations (IDI)

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Presentation on theme: "Interdisciplinary Investigations (IDI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquaporins: Investigating the Structure and Function Cell Membrane Water Channels

2 Interdisciplinary Investigations (IDI)
Chemistry 161 Chemistry 162 Chemistry 163 Epigenetics Aquaporins Hemoglobin Day 1 Pre-Lab Discussion Part 1: Aquaporins Part 2: IDI Challenge 1 Day 2 Part 3: Seminar Part 4: IDI Challenge 2 Part 5: Post-lab Assignment

3 What did you find most interesting about each video?
Pre-Lab Discussion What did you find most interesting about each video?

4 The Fluid Mosaic Model of the Cell Membrane

5 Key Structural Component: The Phospholipid
Think/ Pair/ Share: What do you notice about the structure of this molecule? Think/ Pair/ Share: What does this mean for the intermolecular forces between these molecules?

6 Key Structural Component: The Phospholipid

7 Key Structural Component: A Mosaic of Proteins

8 A Quick Look at Protein Structure

9 A Quick Look at Protein Structure

10 Key Features of Membrane Proteins
Think/ Pair/ Share: What must be true about the structure of proteins that span the cell membrane?

11 Visualizing the Cell Membrane:

12 Crossing the Cell Membrane
What types of things does a cell need to get across its membrane? Of those things, which can cross freely?? Why?? What about everything else??

13 X Cell membranes are SELECTIVELY PERMEABLE
O2, CO2, and other small, nonpolar molecules; and H2O large, polar molecules; ions such as H+, Na+, CI-, Ca++; X

14 Part 1 B: Intermolecular Forces & Cell Membranes


16 Part 1 B: Intermolecular Forces & Cell Membranes

17 C. Hydrogen Bonding

18 D. Amino Acid ~ Arginine

19 Part 2: IDI Challenge On your white board, make a group drawing that represents your understanding of protein structure and intermolecular forces to construct a model (drawing) of what a water channel in a cell membrane would look like, and how it would orient itself in a plasma membrane. Would such a channel need to be specific for water? If so, how could it accomplish this specificity? Be sure to capture your drawing as a photograph for your post-lab report!

20 Part 3: Seminar Assignment For Next Week: Read these two articles:
“Precious Bodily Fluids”, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, 2002 2. Write a summary of the articles. 3. Write three questions 4. Bring the summary and questions with you to class and be prepared to participate in an in-class seminar

21 Day 2 Agenda Your Drawings… Hydrogen Bonds! Seminar Challenge #2

22 Part 3: Seminar Find your team! Introductions and Roles. Discuss the papers, using your questions as a guide. Report out!

23 Amino Acid ~ Arginine

24 Amino Acid: Asparagine

25 Day 2: IDI Challenge Work with your group to create a model (drawing) to address the question below.  Your drawing should pull together key ideas from two or more disciplines and be able to clearly communicate your hypothesis.   Remember that creativity is essential to good science!  Your model does not need to be correct-- just well supported! What does the aquaporin channel look like on the atomic level? Why does water get through and other things do not? Be sure to capture your drawing as a photograph for your post-lab report!

26 Aquaporin

27 Comparing your Models

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