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Equality & Diversity in the Curriculum

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Presentation on theme: "Equality & Diversity in the Curriculum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equality & Diversity in the Curriculum

2 Can you figure this out? A father took his son to hospital for emergency treatment after an accident. The doctor greeted them, but on seeing the boy, exclaimed, “I can’t operate on him – he’s my son!” How can this be? (The son was not adopted, nor a step son)

3 How is Reaseheath approaching E&D?

4 What does E&D look like in the curriculum?
Ten top tips Know your learners Accessible resources Multisensory learning methods Holistic assessment methods Non-discriminatory language Challenge learner comments Sensitive to E&D Seek learner views Raise awareness with examples in the curriculum Resources represent a diverse range of people

5 Is it our job?

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