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London “ Looking down on London

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1 London “ Looking down on London
we see at our feet the richest and the most beautiful city in the world, a city as great as Moscow, and as magical as Rome”

2 The capital of Great Britain.
About 11 million people; 46 km from N to S, 58 km from E to W. The City, The West End, the East End, Westminster. Population; Territory; The parts of London.

3 The City.

4 Westminster.

5 The West End.

6 The East End.

7 London’s image is partly defined by its past,
as its major buildings and institutions represent 2000 years of community history.”


9 Llyn-din. Londinium The London Bridge William the Conqueror
What was the first name of London? How did the Romans call London? What was the name of bridge that was very strange? Who built the Tower of London? Llyn-din. Londinium The London Bridge William the Conqueror

10 The Great Fire of London.
2 September 1666 King’s baker house 4 days destroyed a lot of houses.



13 The Tower of London. When? Who? What? Why?


15 St. Paul’s Cathedral.

16 Complete the sentences.
1. St. Paul’s Cathedral was first built in the ____________. 2. The original building was burnt down in _________. 3. It was burnt down ___________ times for its history. 4. Sir Christopher Wren began to build the cathedral in ______________. 5. It took him _______ years. 35 1087 3 7th century 1668


18 The British Museum. is located in …….. was founded in 1753…….
It shows works of art…… The museum library is …….. Its Reading Hall………..



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26 Read this article and find words that don’t belong to the sentences.
For example : ’’ Green tired Park was bought by Charles II in 1667 ’’.

27 Londoners enjoy their parks and they are very proud of them.
Londoners enjoy when their parks and gardens. Royal parks a are all around London. St. James’s Park is man one of the most beautiful parks. You can is see pelican and ducks there. Green tired park was bought by Charles II in Soon it of become very popular among Londoners. It’s called green as there are no flowers there, only trees and grass. Regent’s Park was London opened to the public in London Zoo is situated here. Hyde Park he is the largest and the most popular of the London is parks. It was a royal hunting ground. Hyde Park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner where orators of all types declare their various opinions. Here you tired can take a ride on horseback. The horse-rides usually end in Hyde Park Corner near Marble Arch of. Marble Arch life was built to commemorate Lord Wellington’s victory over Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo. Londoners enjoy their parks and they are very proud of them.

28 “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life!” ( Dr. Johnson)

29 The Parks of London. St. James park. Green Park Hyde Park
Regent’s Park Pelicans , ducks Trees, grass. Royal hunting ground, Speaker’s Corner London Zoo

30 Oh, London is a fine town, A very famous city, Where all the streets are paved with gold, And all the maidens pretty. George Colman

31 London “ Looking down on London
we see at our feet the richest and the most beautiful city in the world, a city as great as Moscow, and as magical as Rome”

32 Let’s do a test about London.

33 “It is not the walls that make the city, but the people who live within them. The walls of London may be battered, but the spirit of the Londoner stands resolute and undismayed.” George VI

34 Good luck!

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