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MARCOOS PI Meeting Outreach & Education Update

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1 MARCOOS PI Meeting Outreach & Education Update
Tom Herrington, Josh Kohut, Janice McDonnell, Tony MacDonald, Scott Glenn

2 Theme 1: Marine Safety Leveraged NJ Sea Grant Funds to obtain wave and current measurements off of Sandy Hook to validate CODAR wave measurements Currently preparing to conduct public outreach and education presentations on the use of CODAR data for public safety in the surf zone through: NJ Sea Grant Summer Seminar Series Focused workshops with Lifeguard groups Looking to expand efforts through partnering with NY and DEL Sea Grant Programs

3 Theme 2: Fisheries Janice McDonnell received a grant through MACOORA to assess the best way to present 3-D physical water properties to fisheries managers. Using a combination of interviews and computer software that tracks eye movement across the computer screen to determine which graphics generate the greatest user focus.

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