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Is there something Wrong with your calling card?

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Presentation on theme: "Is there something Wrong with your calling card?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is there something Wrong with your calling card?
Nibu Thomas GT Nexus – an Infor Company

2 What’s Ahead What can a résumé tell us? What IS it telling us instead?
Is there something to fix? And then what?

3 No technical writers were hurt in the making of this presentation.
DISCLAIMER No technical writers were hurt in the making of this presentation. I hope!

4 What is a résumé to a writer?
A writer’s first written test Only opportunity that everyone gets to make an impression It’s not about including everything… as much as including the right things. And that’s why it’s your Calling card

5 What went wrong? It was a perfect match for your skills.
What could have happened? It was a perfect match for your skills. Not even an acknowledgement!

6 What can a résumé tell us about the candidate
Organization Presentation Detail oriented Process oriented Logical reasoning Research skills Thought process Prioritization Thoughtfulness Creativity _________________________ READING _________________________

7 What’s In a Name? How have you named your file?
It’s the first impression, even before the file is opened What format? PDF Check file properties Must have Name Position applied Experience

8 Objective Does your objective end as soon as you get hired? … or does it start? Assume you have the job. Now what’s your objective? Everyone seems to have the same one otherwise Don’t state the obvious Not generic – make it different. Meaningful Relevant to specific role Not a 90’s concept.

9 Should not be variations of…
To obtain a position where I can contribute my skills resulting in mutually beneficial relationship between my employer, team and myself. Think beyond documentation. How can you improve the product or service. That should be your objective. Documentation is incidental. So what should it be …

10 Don’t use adjectives/cringe phrases
It’s meaningless and unqualified It’s merely an opinion – your own opinion Creates noise Avoid phrases/words like Single handedly – what about the other hand? Seasoned/veteran/ - with pepper or salt? Highly qualified - Hard worker – raises alarms! Can work as a team player or Individual contributor as opposed to what? Honest - ?

11 Structure Digital (Machine readable) Reverse chronological
Education – unless exceptional – don’t include score! Confessions/Declarations at the end Should it be professionally done?

12 Personal Information Photographs What you look like doesn’t matter.
It could backfire Gender, age, date of birth, father’s name, marital status, nationality, passport number, food preferences, allergies – none of this should matter. Look at the JD. Don’t include any unasked information

13 How many pages? What’s the intent? Enough hooks to latch on to
Create curiosity … don’t impress The shorter it is, lesser your chances to err Not more than 2 pages Learn to prioritize, stack rank information and eliminate what’s not important enough

14 Where’s the devil? Details! Typos Dots and Crosses Fonts and bullets
Parallel Construction Experience in months? 5.1 years is not 5 years one month! Active voice

15 Tools vs Skills What you do with a tool is a skill
Be aware of what you list as a skill Plagiarism is not a skill!

16 What are hiring managers looking for?
Exceptional trait(s) Strong conceptual foundation Impeccable language Articulation Presentation The only way to get to the best candidate is to ask - Why should I not hire? Someone better than me A match and then some

17 Keep your résumé updated
Once every six months Shows you how you’ve progressed Clean up stuff that becomes less significant Get someone else to review it

All images are sourced from pixabay and google images

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