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Daniel 9:1–3 “the first year of Darius” – 539/538 BC

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1 Daniel 9:1–3 “the first year of Darius” – 539/538 BC
During the beginning of the Persian rule 11 or 12 years after Daniel 8 “the books” – prophetic scrolls, indicating that Jeremiah was understood as authoritative by the time of Daniel’s writing. 627 – 561 BC Jeremiah’s writing

2 “Seventy Years” (Dan 9:3)
“’This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years. Then it will be when seventy years are completed I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation,’ declares the Lord…” (Jer 25:11–12). 605 BC (Babylonian dominance) – 539 BC (time of Daniel 9 and end of Babylonian dominance). This is 66 years or approximately 70 years. “When seventy years have been completed for Babylon, I will visit you and fulfill my good word to you, to bring you back to this place (Jerusalem)” (Jer 29:10) 587 BC (Fall of Jerusalem) – 517 BC (dedication of the second temple). This is exactly 70 years.

3 Daniel 9:4–23 What stands out to you in Daniel’s prayer?
What does his prayer say about God’s character? What does his prayer say about Israel’s character? On what basis does Daniel ask for his prayer to be answered? How does this prayer model compare to ours? What do vv. 20–23 indicate about the power of prayer?

4 Daniel 9:4–23 “prayer, supplications, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes” (v. 3) Prayer (intercession) and supplications (plea for mercy) Fasting (devoting all attention to prayer) Sackcloth and ashes (worn during times of mourning) “Lord God” (v. 3) and “LORD” (v. 4) Lord = master, overlord (Adonai) God = Creator and universal God (Elohim) LORD = unique name for Hebrew God (Yahweh)

5 Daniel 9:4–23 Structure of Daniel’s Prayer: Praise to God (v. 4b)
Confession of Sin (vv. 5–10) Acknowledgment of Just Punishment (vv. 11–14) Reflection of Blessings/Cursings in books of the Law (Lev 26:27–45; Deut 28:15–68) Note the contrast between Israel’s unfaithfulness and God’s faithfulness throughout Plea for God’s Mercy (vv. 15–19)

6 Daniel 9:4–23 Gabriel’s Answer Same Gabriel as Daniel 8 and Luke 1
See similarities between Gabriel’s description of Daniel as “highly esteemed” (Dan 9:23) and of Mary as “favored one” (Luke 1:28). God answered through Gabriel while Daniel was still praying/confessing. Gabriel was sent at the beginning of Daniel’s prayer (v. 23).

7 Daniel 9:24–27 “Seventy Weeks”
Usually associated with seventy weeks of years just as the seven weeks of years is associated with the year of Jubilee (Lev 25:8) “You are also to count off seven sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years (Lev 25:8). During the seventy weeks, the following takes place: Finish the transgression Make an end of sin Make atonement for inquity Bring everlasting righteousness Seal up vision and prophecy Anoint the most holy place

8 Daniel 9:24–27 “Seventy Weeks” (70 x 7 = 490 years)
“Seven sevens” or “seven weeks” (7 x 7 = 49 years) and sixty-two sevens” (62 x 7 = 434 years) Taken together, this would be 483 years from issuing of decree to restore/rebuild Jerusalem until “Messiah the Prince” or “Anointed One” If 483 years is literal, could be 445 BC decree by Artaxerxes I to Nehemiah (Neh 2:1–6) for the completion of Jerusalem to AD 32 (possible year of Triumphal entry into Jerusalem) 483 x 360 (Hebrew days in a year) = 173,880 days / solar days = years

9 Daniel 9:24–27 “Seventy Weeks”
Figurative understanding of “Seven sevens” or “seven weeks” and sixty-two sevens” During the first 69 weeks, Jerusalem will be restored and rebuilt, the Messiah will come, the Messiah will be “cut off” (killed), Jerusalem and Temple will be destroyed. Together with the “seven sevens”, there are 69 sevens, just short of completion. Remember how many times Jesus told the disciples to forgive? Temple was destroyed again in AD 70, which caused many to believe that the end of the world had come. The time of completion has still not come.

10 Daniel 9:24–27 The 70th Week prince to come will break covenant, stop sacrifices, destroy and make desolate The “little horn” of Daniel 7 and 8 Like Antiochus Epiphanes of Daniel 8 who sets up the abomination of desolation and like the AntiChrist of Daniel 7 portrayed by the Roman Empire (notice that the Roman Empire destroyed the temple in AD 70 “the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary” – v. 26). See also Matt 24:15; Mark 13:14; Rev 11:2; 13:5 Are we living toward the end of the 69 weeks or are we living in the 70th week and the tribulation has already begun?

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