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Structure and Function Laura Martin

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1 Structure and Function Laura Martin
HIV Integrase (IN) Structure and Function Laura Martin

2 What is Integrase? A part of Pre- Integration Complex (PIC)
Integrates viral DNA into host, essential to replication cycle of HIV Without integrase viral DNA could not get into host genome Carries out cutting and joining events to integrate HIV DNA (happens within the nucleus)


4 Integrase has NLS ?! - no nuclear localization without it -we do not know nuclear import pathway (not the expected pathway) Reverse transcription Pre-Integration Complex Nuclear import Integration

5 Mechanism 1st step- 3’ end processing 2nd step- DNA strand transfer
3rd step- Repair or 5’ end joining (not by integrase) Little site specificity

6 HIV Integration Target DNA Viral DNA Provirus (2) Strand Transfer
5’ AC CA (1) 3’-end processing (2) Strand Transfer HO- -OH Provirus (3) 5’-end joining

7 Structure Three domains- the catalytic core, the C- terminal and N-terminal domains Catalytic core – contains active site responsible for catalysis of integration reaction C- terminal- binds both viral and host DNA N- terminal- unknown, but has zinc binding motif suggesting nucleic acid interaction7

8 HIV Integrase N CORE C (1-49) (50-212) (213-288) D-X(39-58)-D-X35-E
H12 H16 C40 C43 D64 D116 E152 N CORE C (1-49) (50-212) ( )

9 Arrangement of Domains
Spatial arrangement unknown Flexibility is linkage between core and C- Terminal

10 HIV Integrase N-terminus Core C-terminus

11 Structure of HIV Integrase
Full length enzyme (1-288 a.a) Catalytic core ( a.a) C-terminal domain ( a.a) N-terminal domain (1-51 a.a)

12 Structure of Catalytic Core Domain
Responsible for catalysis Central 5 stranded Beta- sheet with six surrounding helices -3 highly conserved acidic residues (D64- Asp, D116-Asp, E152- Glu)

13 Primary Structure of the Catalytic Domain

14 The N-terminal Domain Bundle of 3 alpha helices with SH3 fold
-Conserved HHCC motif – zinc finger -His and Cys residues that bind zinc -Probably functions in multimerization and stimulates catalysis -DNA Binding

15 C- Terminal Domain -Binds DNA nonspecifically -Dimer
-Hydrophobic interactions between two, 3 stranded beta sheets -Each monomer is constructed of 5 stranded beta-barrel

16 Why HIV Integrase is important!
Total: 34 – 46 million Western Europe North Africa & Middle East Sub-Saharan Africa 25.0 – 28.2 million Eastern Europe & Central Asia 1.2 – 1.8 million South & South-East Asia 4.6 – 8.2 million Australia & New Zealand North America – 1.2 million Caribbean Latin America 1.3 – 1.9 million East Asia & Pacific – 1.3 million

17 Sources King, Peter Powerpoint: HIV, AIDS, Integrase and You
Pieribone, Ph.d, Vincent. "HIV Integrase: A New Therapeutic Target." Treatment Issues (1995). 8 Nov < Robert, Cragie. "HIV Integrase, a Brief Overview from Chemistry to Therapeutics." Journal of Biological Chemistry (2001). 8 Nov < Subhendu Chakraborti Power Point presentation: HIV Integrase Last but not least Walsh, Matthew B., and Marcey David. "HIV- 1 Integrase The Catalytic Core Domain and Minimal DNA Binding Domain." (2001). 8 Nov <

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