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The Cone-Gatherers - Duror

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1 The Cone-Gatherers - Duror
By Ben and Lewis

2 Character Duror is the gamekeeper on the Runice-Campbell’s estate.
We see signs of an unhealthy obsession with Calum. He doesn’t believe in imperfection, which is seen in Calum as he is disabled. This obsession links him closely to the actions of a Nazi toward a Jew. These repulsive thoughts grow stronger as the novel develops, making him make up lies to try and convince others that they should be removed off of the estate.

3 Evil As the novel continues we see Duror’s descent into evil increase.
This evil is first seen in the deer drive during the brutal slaughter of the deer. He tries to force the cone-gatherers out of the estate by making up disgusting lies about Calum. In the final chapter we see Duror commit his worst act of evil in the murder of Calum who is innocent.

4 Sympathy Sympathy can be felt for Duror due to his wife’s health condition and how his life has gone steadily downhill. He is rejected from the army and has to try and take care of his wife. He suffers from vivid dreams of his wife being brutally killed.

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