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The relationship between the distribution of

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1 The relationship between the distribution of
3rd Bi-annual BS Scientific Conference and UP-GRADE BS-SCENE Project Joint Conference 01-04 November Odessa, Ukraine The relationship between the distribution of harpacticoid copepods (Crustacea) with the environmental factors and the sediment charecteristics in the Black Sea (Sinop, Turkey) Melek E. Karaçuha1, Murat Sezgin2 , Oylum Gökkurt Baki3 1,2,3Sinop University, Fisheries Faculty, Department of Hydrobiology, TR57000 Sinop,Turkey

2 INTRODUCTION This is the first comprehensive study on the relationship of the distribution of harpacticoid copepods with the environmental factors and the sediment charecteristics in the Black Sea. The aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of the dynamics by reporting on the distribution of the harpacticoid copepods and its relation with sediment charecteristics and some physico-chemical parameters of the seawater.

3 Material and Method Samples were collected from 8 stations at 3 and 10m. (Fig.1). Figure 1. Survey area and sampling stations Figure 3. Tube sediment corer Samples were taken from each station using a tube sediment corer (Fig 2, Fig. 3) Figure 2. Sampling method

4 Results Figure 4. The distribution of the mean abundance of families
In total, 19 harpacticoid families were identified. Figure 4. The distribution of the mean abundance of families

5 Figure 5. Seasonal abundance of harpacticoids
~ ind./m2 ~ ind./m2 Figure 5. Seasonal abundance of harpacticoids Figure 6. Seasonal abundance of harpacticoids according to the stations

Figure 7. Pysico-chemical charecteristics of seawater for each station during sampling periods (T (0c), S (ppt), DO (mg/lt)).

7 SUMMER FALL SPRING Figure 8. Sediment analysis of each station during sampling periods (water content (%), porosity (%), organic matter (%)

8 Figure 9. Mean values of some environmental parameters based on seasonal measurements

9 Av. similarity Av. similarity Ectinosimatidae 16% Miraciidae 14%
SUMMER 61% av. similarity 70% av. similarity Group 1 Group 2 Miracidae Ectinosomatidae Av. similarity Ectinosimatidae 16% Av. similarity Miraciidae 14% In summer two groups formed with Group 1 characterized by Miraciidae with 14% average similarity and in Group 2 by Ectinosomatidae with 16% average similarity.

10 FALL 63% Av. Similarity Dactylopusiidae Av. Similarity Dactylopusiidae 14% In fall the only one group was characterized by Dactylopusiidae with 14% av. similarity

11 WINTER 51% Av. Similarity Miraciidae Av. Similarity Miraciidae 17% In winter, Miraciidae was responsible for the similarity in group with 17% Av. Similarity.

12 SPRING 89% Av. Sim. Paramesochridae 65% Av. Sim. Miraciidae Group 1 Group 2 Av. Similarity Paramesochridae 18% Av. Similarity Miraciidae 13% In spring two main groups were apparent. In Group 1. Miraciidae contributed with 13% av. similarity and in Group 2, Paramesochridae had a 18% av. similarity.

13 As a result of Bio-Env analysis
SUMMER As a result of Bio-Env analysis In SUMMER phosphate, dissolved oxygen, salinity and very coarse sand were the factors that best explained the Clusters (rho=0,67)

14 FALL In FALL, coarse sand and fine sand were the environmental factors which gave the best correlation (rho=0,59)

15 WINTER In WINTER, coarse sand and dissolved oxygen were the environmental factors which gave the best correlation (rho=0,48)

16 SPRING In SPRING, coarse silt, coarse sand, fine sand, dissolved oxygen and organic matter were the environmental factors which best explain the cluster (rho=0,69)

17 Remarks As a result of this study conducted in Sinop Bay the harpacticoid copepods were determined to mainly belong to facultative interstitial forms (Miraciidae, Ameridae). These forms were followed by worm –like or spear-like interstitial forms (Darcythompsoniidae, Ectinosomatidae, Laophontidae). However, some specimens of phytal forms (Tisbidae) were also recorded at several stations. In coarse/medium sands (1 mm-1/4 mm) Dactylopusiidae, Ectinosomatidae, Paramesochridae, Laophontidae, Miraciidae and Cylindropsyllidae presented with high abundance values. In finer sediments (¼ mm-1/8 mm) copepods were mostly represented by species of Canuellidae, Cletotidae and Laophontidade. Representatives of these families have cylindrical, slender, or fusiform body shapes that favour burrowing.

18 This study also suggested that grain size and dissolved oxygen as the main measured variables were responsible for the observed distribution of harpacticoid copepods. According to the BIOENV analysis, the distribution of the harpacticoid copepods correlated best with several sediment grain sizes (coarse, fine sand and coarse silt), organic matter and dissolved oxygen, in spring (rh0: 0,69). In spite of the fact that sediment environmental parameters seems more important in controlling the community of the harpacticoids in the Sinop coasts grain characteristics (particle size), are known to be influenced by environmental factors such as active hydrodynamics and other variables such as, oxygen content and organic matter.

19 Thank you

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