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Advanced Booking. Booking - Have the item available when the patron wants to use it -2 types of bookings: -Item Booking – Patron choses booking period,

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1 Advanced Booking


3 Booking - Have the item available when the patron wants to use it -2 types of bookings: -Item Booking – Patron choses booking period, its not predefined as with AB. -Advanced Booking – booking period is pre- determined, usually based on loan period.

4 Advance Booked items are controlled by the time slot. Ex. Item with 2 hour loan period: 8am to 10am 10am to noon - Patron may come in to borrow an item at 9am. The loan period will automatically end at 10am. - Staff will need to determine whether or not the booking can be manually extended, or should be left as is if the next slot is booked.

5 Settings: Patron is early -Preview Period – How far in advance of booking start time, a booked item can be loaned. -Settings: Minutes, hours, days -Ex. If preview period is set for 30 minutes, on a 1pm booking start time, the patron must wait until at least 12:30 before the item can be loaned.

6 Current Time Booking Start Time

7 Patron is late -Release Time – Time after a request start time until item is available for others. -Settings: Minutes, hours, days -Ex. If a patron books a item with starting time of 1pm & Release Time is 30 minutes, that item can be loaned to other patrons after 1:30PM.

8 Room 335 key booked by Patron: FCLA on Oct 8 th from 4PM to 6PM Release Time = 10 min. At 4:25PM. A new patron FCLA2 was able to borrow the item. Due hour is 6PM, less than 2 hours. Staff could either adjust due hour to 6:25pm if not 6 to 8 pm booking, or leave it as is. Late Patron – Release Time Example

9 AB Schedule -Booking does not use the Aleph Library hours table. -Generally, short term loan items, are not subject to the same due date/hour restrictions as long term items. -Ex. Returning & Reshelving and/or handling overdues on days when library is on exam schedule -AB job, cir-65 to delete specific days from booking schedule (holidays) or delete specific hours (extended hours, busy times) Services - AB job, cir-09 – Booking Schedule, lists requests for the current day. -Delete Expired Booking (cir-35): Job to delete expired bookings

10 Other Settings -Head Time (M/H/D): time added to beginning of a request = effective start time -Tail Time (M/H/D): time added to the end of a request = effective end time (fine not calculated if returned late, but within this time). - Delete Interval (M/H/D): amount of time before a request start time in which a patron may delete the request -Max Advanced Starting Date(D/W/M/Y): How far into future bookings can be made

11 Cons/Future Developments - Booking reminder (cir-34) : Job to notify patrons of upcoming requests not working with AB – ExLibris looking at -Confirmation Email notice sent to patron at booking with included booking policy information. -Automating loan periods – loans are not automatically extended when needed, ex. Walk- ups

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