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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Another Presentation © 2002 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon

3 Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

4 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

5 Intro-duction Nervous System Circulatory System Blood Brain Muscular System Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

6 $100 The main functions of this system are to send and receive messages, and to control all other body systems

7 What is the nervous system?
$100 What is the nervous system? Scores

8 The main functions of these systems is to support and move the body
$200 The main functions of these systems is to support and move the body

9 What are the skeletal and muscular systems?
$200 What are the skeletal and muscular systems? Scores

10 $300 The main functions of this systems are to bring food and oxygen to cells and take away waste from the cells

11 What is the circulatory system?
$300 What is the circulatory system? Scores

12 $400 The main functions of this system are to transport oxygen from the atmosphere to our blood and to remove carbon dioxide from the blood stream

13 What is the respiratory system?
$400 What is the respiratory system? Scores

14 $500 The main functions of these systems are to break down food for energy and to remove waste from the body.

15 What are the digestive and excretory systems.
$500 What are the digestive and excretory systems. Scores

16 $100 The nervous systems command center

17 $100 What is the brain? Scores

18 The cells that make up the nervous system
$200 The cells that make up the nervous system

19 $200 What are neurons? Scores

20 $300 This part of the nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord

21 What is the central nervous system?
$300 What is the central nervous system? Scores

22 Daily Double

23 This is a tube of neurons that runs up the spine
$400 This is a tube of neurons that runs up the spine

24 $400 What is the spinal cord?

25 $500 This part of the nervous system consists of all nerves branching from the CNS

26 What is the peripheral nervous system?
$500 What is the peripheral nervous system? Scores

27 transportation system
$100 Your body’s transportation system

28 What is your circulatory system?
$100 What is your circulatory system? Scores

29 The muscle that acts as the pump of the circulatory system
$200 The muscle that acts as the pump of the circulatory system

30 $200 What is the heart? Scores

31 The materials carried in blood
$300 The materials carried in blood

32 What is Oxygen, Nutrients, Germ Fighters, and Hormones
$300 What is Oxygen, Nutrients, Germ Fighters, and Hormones Scores

33 $400 1. Left Atrium 2. Right Atrium 3. Left Ventricle 4. Right Ventricle

34 What are the four chambers of the heart?
$400 What are the four chambers of the heart? Scores

35 These carry oxygen away from the heart
$500 These carry oxygen away from the heart

36 What are A - Away Arteries?
$500 What are A - Away Arteries? Scores

37 These carry oxygen poor blood back to the heart
$100 These carry oxygen poor blood back to the heart

38 $100 What are veins? Scores

39 These tiny arteries provide blood directly to the cells
$200 These tiny arteries provide blood directly to the cells

40 $200 What are capillaries? Scores

41 The force of blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels
$300 The force of blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels

42 $300 What is blood pressure?

43 $400 This is 92% water and transports nutrients, cells, and waste around the body

44 $400 What is plasma? Scores

45 These are germ fighters
$500 These are germ fighters

46 What are white blood cells?
$500 What are white blood cells? Scores

47 This part of your brain controls digestion, heart beat, and breathing
$100 This part of your brain controls digestion, heart beat, and breathing

48 $100 What is the brain stem? Scores

49 $200 This part of the brain is in control vision, touch, senses, and thinking

50 $200 What is the cerebrum? Scores

51 This part of the brain controls balance and coordination.
$300 This part of the brain controls balance and coordination.

52 $300 What is the cerebellum? Scores

53 $400 Movements that you do not control such as your heart beat and breathing

54 $400 Automatic Movements Scores

55 A person that is paralyzed
from the neck down (hint: all 4 limbs) $500

56 $500 What is a quadriplegic?

57 These muscles are located on the front of your upper legs
$100 These muscles are located on the front of your upper legs

58 What are your quadriceps?
$100 What are your quadriceps? Scores

59 These muscles make up your shoulder cap
$200 These muscles make up your shoulder cap

60 $200 What are your deltoids?

61 These are the muscles located on the sides of your abdomen
$300 These are the muscles located on the sides of your abdomen

62 What are your oblique muscles?
$300 What are your oblique muscles? Scores

63 The muscles of your calves
$400 The muscles of your calves

64 What are your gastrocnemius muscles?
$400 What are your gastrocnemius muscles? Scores

65 The muscle of your bottom
$500 The muscle of your bottom

66 Where is your Gluteus Maximus?
$500 Where is your Gluteus Maximus? Scores

67 Skeletal System Respiratory System Digestive System Excretory System Body Systems Misc. Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

68 This bone is found in your head
$200 This bone is found in your head

69 $200 What is the skull? Scores

70 This bone is the most lateral bone of the lower arm
$400 This bone is the most lateral bone of the lower arm

71 $400 What is the radius? Scores

72 This bone is the most medial bone of the lower arm
$600 This bone is the most medial bone of the lower arm

73 $600 What is the ulna? Scores

74 This bone is also known as the breast bone
$800 This bone is also known as the breast bone

75 $800 What is the sternum? Scores

76 This type of joint is found in your hip
$1000 This type of joint is found in your hip

77 What is a ball and socket joint?
$1000 What is a ball and socket joint? Scores

78 These are the main organs of the respiratory system
$200 These are the main organs of the respiratory system

79 $200 What are the lungs? Scores

80 Daily Double

81 $400 These are tiny air sacs in the lungs that allow the oxygen and carbon dioxide to switch places

82 $400 What are alveoli? Scores

83 The two branches of the trachea
$600 The two branches of the trachea

84 $600 What are bronchi? Scores

85 This flap closes over the trachea when you swallow food
$800 This flap closes over the trachea when you swallow food

86 $800 What is the epiglottis?

87 This is also known as the windpipe
$1000 This is also known as the windpipe

88 $1000 What is the trachea? Scores

89 $200 Digestion begins here

90 $200 What is the mouth? Scores

91 $400 This is the process of breaking down food into a form our body can use for energy

92 $400 What is digestion? Scores

93 This is found in saliva and helps break down food
$600 This is found in saliva and helps break down food

94 $600 What are enzymes? Scores

95 When you swallow food it travels down this to your stomach
$800 When you swallow food it travels down this to your stomach

96 $800 What is your esophagus?

97 Digested food from the stomach enters this
$1000 Digested food from the stomach enters this

98 What is the small intestine?
$1000 What is the small intestine? Scores

99 Undigested food is prepared for excretion here
$200 Undigested food is prepared for excretion here

100 What is the large intestine?
$200 What is the large intestine? Scores

101 Another name for the large intestine
$400 Another name for the large intestine

102 $400 What is the colon? Scores

103 Daily Double

104 $600 These are a pair of bean shaped organs located in the small of the back

105 $600 What are the kidneys? Scores

106 Billions of these live in the colon
$800 Billions of these live in the colon

107 $800 What is bacteria? Scores

108 The removal of waste from the body
$1000 The removal of waste from the body

109 $1000 What is excretion? Scores

110 This attaches muscles to bones
$200 This attaches muscles to bones

111 $200 What are tendons? Scores

112 This muscle in your chest allows you to do lots of push ups
$400 This muscle in your chest allows you to do lots of push ups

113 What is the pectoral muscle?
$400 What is the pectoral muscle? Scores

114 This is the large bone of the upper leg
$600 This is the large bone of the upper leg

115 $600 What is the femur? Scores

116 This attaches bones to bones
$800 This attaches bones to bones

117 $800 What are ligaments? Scores

118 This is the muscle that allows us to breath
$1000 This is the muscle that allows us to breath

119 $1000 What is the diaphragm? Scores

120 This is the path blood takes after it leaves the lungs
$200 This is the path blood takes after it leaves the lungs

121 What is the pulmonary vein to the left atrium?
$200 What is the pulmonary vein to the left atrium? Scores

122 This movement allows you to add a limb back towards the body
$400 This movement allows you to add a limb back towards the body

123 $400 What is adduction? Scores

124 Muscles always pull this and never push this
$600 Muscles always pull this and never push this

125 $600 What are bones? Scores

126 This means that all systems work together?
$800 This means that all systems work together?

127 What is all body systems are interrelated?
$800 What is all body systems are interrelated? Scores

128 This type of muscle can be found in the digestive system
$1000 This type of muscle can be found in the digestive system

129 What are smooth muscles?
$1000 What are smooth muscles? Scores

130 Final Jeopary Question
Jeopardy Enter Category Final Jeopary Question Scores

131 Create a web to show interrelationships between all body systems

132 Create a web to show interrelationships between all body systems

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