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Treasury Community of Practice Progress, Expectations, Challenges

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1 Treasury Community of Practice Progress, Expectations, Challenges
PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice (TCoP) Progress, Expectations, Challenges Istanbul, Turkey 25-26 February 2008

2 Presentation Treasury CoP Objectives Approach Progress so far
PEMPAL Treasury CoP Presentation Treasury CoP Objectives Approach Progress so far Expectations Challenges February 2008 PEMPAL TCoP

3 Treasury CoP Objectives
Sharing country experiences in the implementation of Treasury/PFM development or improvement projects in the region Facilitating interaction between MoF/Treasury managers and technical directors so that a Community of Practice (CoP) can be established for long term collaboration February 2008 PEMPAL TCoP

4 Treasury CoP Approach Approach Treasury CoP Workshop will bring together leading government officials in Public Expenditure Management (PEM) from 15 European and Central Asian countries and territories to share their experiences in designing and implementing reforms in treasury operations in their respective countries or territories. The workshop will provide an opportunity for countries to benefit from the experiences of other countries facing similar challenges. During the workshop, TCoP Leadership Structure and 2008 Action Plan will be finalized. Finally, the Maturity Framework will be updated and the current status of the projects will be reviewed. February 2008 PEMPAL TCoP

5 Treasury CoP Progress Progress so far The last Treasury CoP Workshop was held in Ljubljana in June 2006. Since then, PEMPAL web site was created for interaction with the participants ( ) Treasury Maturity Framework was developed as web-based tool to monitor the implementation of projects ( ) A discussion forum was created ( ). Several regional video conferences were organized to identify the topics of interest for discussions and other activities. Treasury CoP Leadership Group (Albania and Kyrgyz) was formed. Thus, all previously agreed actions were completed so far. February 2008 PEMPAL TCoP

6 Treasury CoP Expectations
During the second Treasury CoP workshop, it is expected that the followings will be achieved: Establishment of a permanent Leadership Team Preparation of 2008 Annual Action Plan Initial decision on the use and allocation of available Resources Updating the Maturity Framework February 2008 PEMPAL TCoP

7 Treasury CoP Challenges
In order to survive, the Treasury CoP should cope with the followings: Commitment of the leadership team Effective use of available resources Active participation in TCoP activities Faster response times (using and internet) February 2008 PEMPAL TCoP

8 Thank You

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