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Title of presentation Name Date Period.

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Presentation on theme: "Title of presentation Name Date Period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title of presentation Name Date Period

2 Overview of Presentation
Introduction Background Research Problem Solution Conclusion

3 Introduction (Include a summary of your presentation )
Disneyland Overview A national tourist destination attracting millions of people a year There are 70 rides Average wait time for high demand rides can exceed 1.5 hours Identify issue Identify high demand rides Create a system which allows visitors to prioritize rides and wait less in line Increase enjoyment

4 Background Research* change title
Summarize the issue, start big (national issues/international issues), next slide, more specific Disneyland (facts about the park) 4-5 facts AT MOST Include a picture

5 Background Research (more specific)
Specific issues (perhaps related to santa clara county) Disneyland- would talk about specific high demand rides Indiana Jones Space Mountain Space Tours Splash Mountain A picture or table, chart = always good.

6 Problem Summarize your problem here
How did you arrive at your problem? State your problem succinctly

7 Overview of Solution Write out a summary of your solution, explain WHY this is a great solution Include a picture, graph, chart etc Implement a FASTPass Solution Allows visitors to stop by a ride and return later, bypassing the major wait lines Allows Disneyland to predict, track, and control number of visitors on certain rides Increases happiness for visitors on higher volume rides

8 Solution (specifics) * change title
Discuss exactly WHAT will be implemented, HOW it will be implemented FASTPass stations will be put near entrances of high volume rides Visitors will go before and receive a ticket for an hour slot later to return As demand increases, visitors will receive later and later slots

9 Specifics (* title) Expand on WHO is in charge and a timeline
A FASTpass office will be established with the goal to: Monitor demand and adjust times for FASTpass as necessary Monitor usage of FASTpasses Monthly analyze FASTpass data, identify problems, create and implement solutions By January 2015: FASTPass software created FASTPass machine protoyped PICTURES

10 Cost Analysis (*change title)
Write out how much you think this will cost (by some sort of metric) Building of FASTPass Software: $2 million (come up with some estimate for this) Machines: $3 million (including repairs), how many each place, designed specifically for them Hiring decisions: FASTPass implementation manager FASTPass software designer FASTPass machine designer

11 Conclusion Go back and summarize your entire presentation
Disneyland is a major tourist destination Increased happiness and revenue can occur by… Implementing a FASTpass solution Created by January 2015 Hiring software and hardware manager Estimated cost: $5 million (paid off by 2016)

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