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(Tune: "Ball in the Jack")

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Presentation on theme: "(Tune: "Ball in the Jack")"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Tune: "Ball in the Jack")
The Compound Boogie (Tune: "Ball in the Jack")

2 Put them together and get
Take the word "rain" and the word "coat." Put them together and get rain coat.

3 Put them together and get
Take the word " dog " and the word " house." Put them together and get dog house.

4 Put them together and get
Take the word " foot " and the word " ball." Put them together and get foot ball.

5 Put them together and get
Take the word " cup " and the word " cake." Put them together and get cup cake.

6 Put them together and get
Take the word " sun " and the word " shine." Put them together and get sun shine

7 Put them together and get
Take the word " lunch " and the word " box." Put them together and get lunch box.

8 The compound boogie is easy to do. You make one word out of two
The compound boogie is easy to do. You make one word out of two! And now you can join in the fun. I'll say two words and you make them one.

9 play ground

10 side walk

11 bath tub

12 tree house

13 some thing

14 sail boat

15 bed room

16 snow man

17 cow girl

18 door bell

19 The Compound Boogie (Tune: "Ball in the Jack")
Take the word "rain" and the word "coat." Put them together and get "raincoat." Dog - house... foot - ball... cup - cake... Sun - shine... lunch - box... The compound boogie is easy to do. You make one word out of two! And now you can join in the fun. I'll say two words and you make them one. Play - ground...side - walk...bath - tub... Tree - house... some - thing... sail - boat... Bed - room... snow - man...cow - girl... Door - bell...

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