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Miranda v. Arizona (1966) The Warren Court.

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Presentation on theme: "Miranda v. Arizona (1966) The Warren Court."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miranda v. Arizona (1966) The Warren Court

2 Ernesto Miranda was arrested by the Phoenix, AZ
police on charges of kidnapping and rape Wife’s car Led to him as suspect Police line-up While in custody Miranda wasn’t informed of his rights

3 After 2 hour interrogation: Signed a confession
Convicted in court based on his confession Appeal was based on a violation of his 5th amendment right of “no self-incrimination”. He was never informed of his right to remain silent and to have a lawyer present.

4 Supreme Court agrees and orders a new trial without the
signed confession New Trial – Verdict????? Miranda was convicted again based on new evidence!

5 Significance: Establishes the “Miranda Rights/Warning”
Suspects must be informed of their rights before interrogation.

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