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Teacher-to-Teacher Conference

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1 Teacher-to-Teacher Conference
Changing Times at UNC Charlotte: Redesigning Student Teaching with Co-Teaching Models Teacher-to-Teacher Conference March 8, 2016

2 Introductions and Shared Perspective
UNC Charlotte presenters Participants Levels taught? Service as a Cooperating Teacher? Experience with Co-Teaching?

3 Current Placement Situations
Testing concerns Accountability Veteran teachers moving to other roles Teacher transfers System policies Dual program

4 An Alternative Co-Teaching Eases accountability concerns
Provides more support for all students Provides more support for students with special needs Creates the opportunity for team planning and assessment Gives candidates and cooperating teachers the opportunity to build strong relationships Enhances classroom management Identifies student teachers who need more growth and mentoring Two student teachers with one cooperating teacher

5 Co-Teaching Models It’s not just teaching together.

6 Co-Teaching Models Seven models One Teach, One Observe
One Teach, One Assist Station Teaching Parallel Teaching Supplemental Alternative (Differentiated) Team Teaching

7 Implementation Start small Professional Development Schools
One elementary school Voluntary basis Training for student teachers and cooperating teachers

8 Phase II Discussion with COED Senior Associate Dean
Discussion with department chairs and faculty Contact with administrators Brief interest meeting with CTs and yearlong interns Meeting with yearlong interns to introduce strategies 3 elementary schools 4 middle schools 24 candidates – K-6, 6-9, B-K, SPED

9 Implementing Feedback
Introduce Co-Teaching in the fall semester Allow time to practice the models Allow for flexibility with which models to use in which grade levels and content areas First support session in early December Ready to begin in the spring semester

10 Student Teaching Expectations
Experiment with the models Implement at least three each week Identify lesson plans that use Co-Teaching Reflect on success of the lesson using the models Attend support meetings

11 Spring Events Support meeting Final support meeting
February 18th and 25th How’s it going? Spotlight on Co-Teaching Myths and Realities Final support meeting Scheduled in April Conduct evaluations – survey and focus groups

12 Next Steps Contact Phase I participants Analyze data from Phase II
Share with College administrators Phase III – high school implementation

13 ????? Questions Suggestions

14 Firsthand Information
St. Cloud State University Dr. Teresa Washut Heck – Dr. Nancy Bacharach – Atlanta, GA – May 19-20, 2016 Minneapolis, MN – May 23-24, 2016 National Conference on Co-Teaching – Minneapolis, MN – October 26-28, 2016

15 Contact Information UNC Charlotte Rosslyn Crandell – Sue Rebich – Joyce Frazier –

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