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African Imperialism FQ: Why did Europeans concentrated most of their efforts into Africa and how Africans attempted to resist?

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1 African Imperialism FQ: Why did Europeans concentrated most of their efforts into Africa and how Africans attempted to resist?

2 I. Egypt Trade Center Corridor to gain access to Africa and beyond
-Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Crusader Armies To get to their colonies in Asia and beyond, Europeans wanted to build a canal in Egypt

3 I. Egypt 1805, Muhammad Ali became viceroy of Egypt
Quickly eliminated his rival leaders called Mamluks Modernized Egypt -Factories, railroads, cities In 1848, senility forced him out of office

4 I. Egypt After Muhammad Ali’s grandson Abbas I took over and built up Egypt’s debt In 1854, the British called in their debts In order to avoid invasion Britain was allowed to build the canal The Suez Canal was completed in 1869 and controlled by the British until 1959

5 II. Southern Africa In 1806, the British annexed Cape Town in South Africa In 1833, Britain banned all slavery within its colonies -As a result, many Afrikaners (Dutch/German Ancestry) migrated North In 1899, the British attempted to take the land from the Afrikaners The Boer War lasted from and resulted in the Union of South Africa

6 II. Southern Africa In about 1817, the Zulu were united under the banner of Shaka He created a militaristic society called Zululand In 1879, the British crossed the border into Zululand After a defeat to An army of Zulu at Isandlwana The British quickly recovered and conquered the Zulu later that year

7 III. Genocide in the Belgian Congo
In 1884, Otto Von Bismarck held the Berlin Conference to divide African territory King Leopold II was given personal control of the Congo River Basin Leopold quickly moved in his armies to get the diamonds and rubber there

8 III. Genocide in the Belgian Congo
Leopold established the Force Publique to police the people -Paid bounties for bringing in the hands of their victims Leopold took entire villages, cities, and towns, and split up families People were worked to death in mines, factories, and rubber plantations -In excess of 5 million lost their lives International community stepped in and stopped the genocide in 1908

9 IV. Ethiopia Ethiopia was an ancient Christian kingdom
In 1889, Menelik II became king of kings and signed a trade treaty with Italy Between 1889 and 1896, Menelik modernized his country In 1896, Italy, citing a technicality in the trade agreement invaded Ethiopia

10 IV. Ethiopia The Ethiopians routed the Italians at the battle of Adowa and killed more than 7,000 Italian troops Ethiopia remained free from imperialism until the 1930’s when Italy returned

11 V. Liberia In 1822, the American Colonization Society created Liberia on the Western coast of Africa as a place for former slaves Established a constitutional government and kept close ties with the United States Liberia kept its independence due to the fact that they were protected by the United States

12 Note Based Questions: Why were Europeans interested in taking control of Egypt? How did Muhammad Ali use his power to make Egypt into a powerful country? Why was the Suez Canal important to the Europeans during Imperialism? What caused the Boer War? Why were the British able to conquer the Zulu? How did Menelik II keep Ethiopia free from European control? Why did the country of Liberia retain its independence during the era of Imperialism?

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