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Week of June 03-07, 2013: Weekly Assignments* Week th Quarter

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1 Week of June 03-07, 2013: Weekly Assignments* . . . Week 38 . . . 4th Quarter
Chapter 34 (The Scientific Revolution) . . . Content Objectives: SWBT to identify what is meant by the term Scientific Revolution. Language Objective: SWBT explain and list key features of the scientific method. CS:

2 Monday, June 3, 2013

3 Do Now QFT (7 of 7) Copernicus’s theory on planetary motion was strongly opposed by certain leaders of his day. Suppose that a theory that is in direct opposition to a widely accepted scientific theory was proposed today. Do you think it would meet with the same kind of opposition? Why?

4 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 177
Debate Tournaments continues . . . College Bowl Competitions continues . . . Show debate videos from ‘yesteryear’ Lodge vs. Fulumirani

5 Homework Complete 2nd Semester II.
Finish up Step Back & Reflect papers Culture Day celebrations

6 Tuesday, June 4, 2013

7 Do Now TPS (6 of 7) Do you think the harsh treatment of native peoples was a necessary result of European exploration? Explain why or why not? It was estimated that there were approximately 80 million indigenous people in North and South America when Columbus arrived and in little over a century (108 years to be exact) the population was decimated by 80%. Hmm. What happened?

8 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 178
Debate & College Bowl competitions continue . . .

9 Homework Step Back & Reflect is due 6-5.
Culture Day celebrations

10 Wednesday, June 5, 2013

11 Do Now TPS (7 of 7) Many “explorers” “discovered” places that were already thoroughly known to the people who lived there. What are the real meanings of the words “explore” and “discover”? minutes.

12 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 178
Check & collect homework minutes. Culture Day celebrations time to ‘celebrate’ life’s diversity & differences . . . Debates & College Bowl continues minutes.

13 Homework Any ‘last’ minute work . . .

14 Thursday, June 6, 2013

15 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 179
Debate championship . . . Class Party . . .

16 Friday, June 7, 2013

17 Do Now TFT (a souvenir from me) . . .
“No more school, no more books, no more teacher’s dirty looks!”

18 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 180
Yearbook signing and saying good-byes Last day of school . . .

19 Homework Read, write, research, often but also take time for a lot of relaxation, and play. Reduce computer time especially using the various social media sites get outside, exercise, play, communicate, and work on your social graces!

20 Word From the Teacher *Today marks the last day of the school year for It was an honor and privilege knowing and teaching you. I learned as much from you as hopefully did from me. I hope that you have a fantastic summer vacation and may grow to be proud, dignified, and true. Remember to always do your very best, be happy, and a healthy, wonderful life awaits you. “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”—Dalai Lama Sampai jampa lagi! . . . Mr. Fulumirani

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