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Age of Exploration.

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1 Age of Exploration

2 The Spanish Empire Conquistadors (Cortes, Pizzarro)
By 1550, Spain had conquered the entire Western part of Latin America and all of Central America 1535- Colonial Administration- Native Americans- encomienda Queen Isabella gave a directive that Natives should be protected, however being so far from Spain led to the atrocities that we hear so much about, “Black Legend” Catholic Missionaries (Jesuits)- with them comes all the trappings of European society- churches, schools, hospitals- therefore the entire social and political structures of Native America were torn apart

3 Economic Impact Gold and Silver- led to vast infrastructure changes to North America (Columbian Exchange) Contemporary time- Portugal doing that same in the East End of 1500’s- Exploration has led to competitors- England (India, Caribbean), Holland (India/USA- East and West India Company), France (Canada)


5 Economic Impact Colonial Economics- Mercantilism
The Prosperity of a nation depended on a large supply of bullion, or gold and silver. To bring in more gold and silver, nations tried to have a favorable balance of trade Difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports To encourage exports, governments stimulated industries and trade- improved transportation systems, high tariffs on imported goods Colonies were important as a source of raw material and markets for the finished products


7 Africa- Age of Transition
Between European presence did not extend beyond the coastal regions of Africa (South Africa and Mozambique had permanent settlements) Despite the arrival of Slaved traders- African political systems continued to exist- Monarchies Some states in Africa were a collection of small principalities held together through loyalties- Ashanti on the Gold Coast Stools- interesting piece of evidence


9 Africa- Age of Transition
Most however lived in small political units- village leader European influence was more like the Columbian Exchange- new food products, and the shifting of trade direction- shifting in Trade- Timbuktu Songhai Civilization (Timbuktu) Religion- Islam expanded in Northern Africa- Christianity expanded on the West coast and South

10 Africa- Age of TRansition
King Afonso I ca. King of Congo- present day Angola and the DR Congo Portuguese arrived and he converted to Catholicism friendly relations with the Portuguese Portugal sent manufactured goods, missionaries and craftspeople in exchange for gold Portuguese increased their wants and began raiding for Slaves


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