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Professor Ronald L. Carter

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1 Professor Ronald L. Carter
EE5342 – Semiconductor Device Modeling and Characterization Lecture 05-Spring 2010 Professor Ronald L. Carter

2 First Assignment Send e-mail to
On the subject line, put “5342 ” In the body of message include Your address Your Name as it appears in the UTA Record - no more, no less Last four digits of your Student ID: _____ The name you would like me to use when speaking to you. L05 February 01

3 Second Assignment e-mail to
In the body of the message include subscribe EE5342 This will subscribe you to the EE5342 list. Will receive all EE5342 messages If you have any questions, send to with EE5342 in subject line. L05 February 01

4 Direct carrier gen/recomb
k Ec Ev (Excitation can be by light) gen rec - + Ev Ec Ef Efi L05 February 01

5 Direct gen/rec of excess carriers
Generation rates, Gn0 = Gp0 Recombination rates, Rn0 = Rp0 In equilibrium: Gn0 = Gp0 = Rn0 = Rp0 In non-equilibrium condition: n = no + dn and p = po + dp, where nopo=ni2 and for dn and dp > 0, the recombination rates increase to R’n and R’p L05 February 01

6 Direct rec for low-level injection
Define low-level injection as dn = dp < no, for n-type, and dn = dp < po, for p-type The recombination rates then are R’n = R’p = dn(t)/tn0, for p-type, and R’n = R’p = dp(t)/tp0, for n-type Where tn0 and tp0 are the minority-carrier lifetimes L05 February 01

7 Shockley-Read- Hall Recomb
Indirect, like Si, so intermediate state Ec Ec ET Ef Efi Ev Ev k L05 February 01

8 S-R-H trap characteristics1
The Shockley-Read-Hall Theory requires an intermediate “trap” site in order to conserve both E and p If trap neutral when orbited (filled) by an excess electron - “donor-like” Gives up electron with energy Ec - ET “Donor-like” trap which has given up the extra electron is +q and “empty” L05 February 01

9 S-R-H trap char. (cont.) If trap neutral when orbited (filled) by an excess hole - “acceptor-like” Gives up hole with energy ET - Ev “Acceptor-like” trap which has given up the extra hole is -q and “empty” Balance of 4 processes of electron capture/emission and hole capture/ emission gives the recomb rates L05 February 01

10 tpo = (Ntvthsn)-1, where sn~p(rBohr)2
S-R-H recombination Recombination rate determined by: Nt (trap conc.), vth (thermal vel of the carriers), sn (capture cross sect for electrons), sp (capture cross sect for holes), with tno = (Ntvthsn)-1, and tpo = (Ntvthsn)-1, where sn~p(rBohr)2 L05 February 01

11 S-R-H recomb. (cont.) In the special case where tno = tpo = to the net recombination rate, U is L05 February 01

12 S-R-H “U” function characteristics
The numerator, (np-ni2) simplifies in the case of extrinsic material at low level injection (for equil., nopo = ni2) For n-type (no > dn = dp > po = ni2/no): (np-ni2) = (no+dn)(po+dp)-ni2 = nopo - ni2 + nodp + dnpo + dndp ~ nodp (largest term) Similarly, for p-type, (np-ni2) ~ podn L05 February 01

13 S-R-H “U” function characteristics (cont)
For n-type, as above, the denominator = to{no+dn+po+dp+2nicosh[(Et-Ei)kT]}, simplifies to the smallest value for Et~Ei, where the denom is tono, giving U = dp/to as the largest (fastest) For p-type, the same argument gives U = dn/to Rec rate, U, fixed by minority carrier L05 February 01

14 S-R-H net recom- bination rate, U
In the special case where tno = tpo = to = (Ntvthso)-1 the net rec. rate, U is L05 February 01

15 S-R-H rec for excess min carr
For n-type low-level injection and net excess minority carriers, (i.e., no > dn = dp > po = ni2/no), U = dp/to, (prop to exc min carr) For p-type low-level injection and net excess minority carriers, (i.e., po > dn = dp > no = ni2/po), U = dn/to, (prop to exc min carr) L05 February 01

16 Minority hole lifetimes. Taken from Shur3, (p.101).
L05 February 01

17 Minority electron lifetimes. Taken from Shur3, (p.101).
L05 February 01

18 Parameter example tmin = (45 msec) 1+(7.7E-18cm3)Ni+(4.5E-36cm6)Ni2
For Nd = 1E17cm3, tp = 25 msec Why Nd and tp ? L05 February 01

19 S-R-H rec for deficient min carr
If n < ni and p < pi, then the S-R-H net recomb rate becomes (p < po, n < no): U = R - G = - ni/(2t0cosh[(ET-Efi)/kT]) And with the substitution that the gen lifetime, tg = 2t0cosh[(ET-Efi)/kT], and net gen rate U = R - G = - ni/tg The intrinsic concentration drives the return to equilibrium L05 February 01

20 The Continuity Equation
The chain rule for the total time derivative dn/dt (the net generation rate of electrons) gives L05 February 01

21 The Continuity Equation (cont.)
L05 February 01

22 The Continuity Equation (cont.)
L05 February 01

23 The Continuity Equation (cont.)
L05 February 01

24 The Continuity Equation (cont.)
L05 February 01

25 The Continuity Equation (cont.)
L05 February 01

26 The Continuity Equation (cont.)
L05 February 01

27 Energy bands for p- and n-type s/c
p-type n-type Ec Ev Ec EFi EFn qfn= kT ln(Nd/ni) EFi qfp= kT ln(ni/Na) EFp Ev L05 February 01

28 Making contact in a p-n junction
Equate the EF in the p- and n-type materials far from the junction Eo(the free level), Ec, Efi and Ev must be continuous N.B.: qc = 4.05 eV (Si), and qf = qc + Ec - EF Eo qc (electron affinity) qf (work function) Ec Ef Efi qfF Ev L05 February 01

29 Band diagram for p+-n jctn* at Va = 0
Ec qVbi = q(fn - fp) qfp < 0 Efi Ec EfP EfN Ev Efi qfn > 0 *Na > Nd -> |fp| > fn Ev p-type for x<0 n-type for x>0 x -xpc -xp xn xnc L05 February 01

30 Band diagram for p+-n at Va=0 (cont.)
A total band bending of qVbi = q(fn-fp) = kT ln(NdNa/ni2) is necessary to set EfP = EfN For -xp < x < 0, Efi - EfP < -qfp, = |qfp| so p < Na = po, (depleted of maj. carr.) For 0 < x < xn, EfN - Efi < qfn, so n < Nd = no, (depleted of maj. carr.) -xp < x < xn is the Depletion Region L05 February 01

31 Depletion Approximation
Assume p << po = Na for -xp < x < 0, so r = q(Nd-Na+p-n) = -qNa, -xp < x < 0, and p = po = Na for -xpc < x < -xp, so r = q(Nd-Na+p-n) = 0, -xpc < x < -xp Assume n << no = Nd for 0 < x < xn, so r = q(Nd-Na+p-n) = qNd, 0 < x < xn, and n = no = Nd for xn < x < xnc, so r = q(Nd-Na+p-n) = 0, xn < x < xnc L05 February 01

32 Poisson’s Equation The electric field at (x,y,z) is related to the charge density r=q(Nd-Na-p-n) by the Poisson Equation: L05 February 01

33 Poisson’s Equation For n-type material, N = (Nd - Na) > 0, no = N, and (Nd-Na+p-n)=-dn +dp +ni2/N For p-type material, N = (Nd - Na) < 0, po = -N, and (Nd-Na+p-n) = dp-dn-ni2/N So neglecting ni2/N, [r=(Nd-Na+p-n)] L05 February 01

34 Quasi-Fermi Energy L05 February 01

35 Quasi-Fermi Energy (cont.)
L05 February 01

36 Quasi-Fermi Energy (cont.)
L05 February 01

37 Depletion approx. charge distribution
+Qn’=qNdxn +qNd [Coul/cm2] -xp x -xpc xn xnc -qNa Charge neutrality => Qp’ + Qn’ = 0, => Naxp = Ndxn Qp’=-qNaxp [Coul/cm2] L05 February 01

38 Induced E-field in the D.R.
The sheet dipole of charge, due to Qp’ and Qn’ induces an electric field which must satisfy the conditions Charge neutrality and Gauss’ Law* require that Ex = 0 for -xpc < x < -xp and Ex = 0 for -xn < x < xnc h 0 L05 February 01

39 Induced E-field in the D.R.
Ex p-contact N-contact O - O + p-type CNR n-type chg neutral reg O - O + O - O + Exposed Acceptor Ions Depletion region (DR) Exposed Donor ions W x -xpc -xp xn xnc L05 February 01

40 1-dim soln. of Gauss’ law Ex -xpc -xp xn xnc x -Emax L05 February 01

41 Depletion Approxi- mation (Summary)
For the step junction defined by doping Na (p-type) for x < 0 and Nd, (n-type) for x > 0, the depletion width W = {2e(Vbi-Va)/qNeff}1/2, where Vbi = Vt ln{NaNd/ni2}, and Neff=NaNd/(Na+Nd). Since Naxp=Ndxn, xn = W/(1 + Nd/Na), and xp = W/(1 + Na/Nd). L05 February 01

42 References 1Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 2 ed., by Muller and Kamins, Wiley, New York, 1986. 2Physics of Semiconductor Devices, by S. M. Sze, Wiley, New York, 1981. 3 Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Shur, Prentice-Hall, 1990. L05 February 01

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