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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Another Presentation © 2002 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon

3 Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

4 Round 1 Round 2 Final Jeopardy Group One Group Two Group Three

5 Round 2 Round 2 Life Science 1 Life Science 2 Life Science 3 Life Science 4 Life Science 5 Life Science 6 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Scores $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

6 $100 What refers to the series of changes that produces a more complex organism?

7 $100 development Scores

8 What are all living things made of?
$200 What are all living things made of?

9 $200 cells Scores

10 What are four of the six characteristics of living things?
$300 What are four of the six characteristics of living things?

11 Grow and develop, reproduce, respond to environment and use energy.
$300 Grow and develop, reproduce, respond to environment and use energy. Scores

12 What are the four basic necessities of life?
$400 What are the four basic necessities of life?

13 Air, water, food and living space.
$400 Air, water, food and living space. Scores

14 $500 New plants can be created from stem cutting of the same parent plant. Of what it this an example?

15 $500 asexual reproduction Scores

16 $100 The following are know as what? A plant growing toward light; plant’s roots growing down

17 $100 tropism Scores

18 $200 What keeps the cytoplasm inside and allows nutrients in and waste products out?

19 $200 cell membrane Scores

20 Food molecules are broken down to release energy by which organelle?
$300 Food molecules are broken down to release energy by which organelle?

21 $300 mitochondria Scores

22 Daily Double

23 $400 What organisms display such characteristics such as organization, growth, reproduction and response?

24 $400 All living things Scores

25 $500 What is the large membrane-covered organelle that stores water and other liquids in plants?

26 $500 vacuole. Scores

27 $100 Fish that live in the ice cold waters off Antarctica make a natural antifreeze that keeps them from freezing. This is the fish’s way of maintaining a stable environment. This is example of what?

28 $100 Homeostasis Scores

29 $200 Humans typically maintain a boy temperature of 37 c and a fairly constant level of sugar in the blood. What process are these example of?

30 $200 homeostasis Scores

31 Which organelles are energy-converting organelles?
$300 Which organelles are energy-converting organelles?

32 mitochondria and chloroplast
$300 mitochondria and chloroplast Scores

33 What is the function of the nucleus?
$400 What is the function of the nucleus?

34 directs all cell activities
$400 directs all cell activities Scores

35 $500 What is a change in an organism’s environment that affects the organism’s activity called?

36 $500 stimulus Scores

37 $100 What is homeostasis?

38 An organism’s ability to maintain a stable internal conditions.
$100 An organism’s ability to maintain a stable internal conditions. Scores

39 Like other animals, monkeys are made of millions of what?
$200 Like other animals, monkeys are made of millions of what?

40 $200 cells Scores

41 $300 When a duck dives under water it’s inner eyelids automatically raise to cover the duck’s eyes. In this case what does water act as?

42 $300 stimulus Scores

43 $400 What theory says that cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things?

44 $400 cell theory Scores

45 What do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells do not have?
$500 What do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells do not have?

46 $500 a nucleus Scores

47 Which type of cell has a cell wall, ribosomes, and circular DNA?
$100 Which type of cell has a cell wall, ribosomes, and circular DNA?

48 $100 prokaryotic cell Scores

49 $200 What is a cell with a well defined nucleus, many membrane covered organelles, and linear DNA ?

50 $200 Eukaryotic Scores

51 $300 The most primitive cell containing circular DNA and lacking a well defined nucleus is what type of cell?

52 $300 prokaryotic Scores

53 Which is the world’s smallest and simplest type of cell?
$400 Which is the world’s smallest and simplest type of cell?

54 $400 prokaryotic Scores

55 A pine tree is a member of which kingdom?
$500 A pine tree is a member of which kingdom?

56 $500 Plantae Scores

57 $100 Into which kingdom would a unicellular organism that can make its own food and lives on trees be classified?

58 $100 Eubacteria Scores

59 $200 Which kingdom contains organisms that moved by using pseudopods, flagella, cilia, or contractile vacuoles?

60 $200 Protista Scores

61 $300 Organisms in which kingdom usually move by themselves and have advanced nervous systems that allow them to respond to their environment?

62 $300 Animalia Scores

63 $400 Into which kingdom would eukaryotic organisms that have a cell wall and help recycle nutrients through the ecosystem by breaking down dead organic material be classified?

64 $400 Fungi Scores

65 Where does the scientific name for an organism comes from?
$500 Where does the scientific name for an organism comes from?

66 $500 genus and species Scores

67 Round 1 Life Science 7 Life Science 8 Life Science 9 Life Science 10 Life Science 11 Life Science 12 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

68 What are the seven levels of classification, from general to specific?
$200 What are the seven levels of classification, from general to specific?

69 Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
$200 Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species Scores

70 $400 A scientist finds a new type of single celled organism in an ocean rift vent where the temperature is over 360oC. Into which kingdom would the organism probably be placed?

71 $400 archaebacteria Scores

72 How can a plant cell be distinguished from an animal cell?
$600 How can a plant cell be distinguished from an animal cell?

73 $600 Plant cells have larger vacuoles, Plant cells have a cell wall, Plant cells have chloroplasts Scores

74 Both plants and animals are multicellular. What does this mean?
$800 Both plants and animals are multicellular. What does this mean?

75 $800 made of many cells Scores

76 How are plants and animals able to reproduce?
$1000 How are plants and animals able to reproduce?

77 both sexually and asexually
$1000 both sexually and asexually Scores

78 Both plants and animals must undergo what reaction to produce energy?
$200 Both plants and animals must undergo what reaction to produce energy?

79 $200 cellular respiration Scores

80 Daily Double

81 What organism (s) can respond to environmental stimuli?
$400 What organism (s) can respond to environmental stimuli?

82 $400 plants and animals Scores

83 How do nonvascular plants get water?
$600 How do nonvascular plants get water?

84 from the environment or nearby cells
$600 from the environment or nearby cells Scores

85 What is true of all plants?
$800 What is true of all plants?

86 contain chlorophyll, are producers, have cells with cell walls
$800 contain chlorophyll, are producers, have cells with cell walls Scores

87 After fertilization takes place in a flower, the ovary develops into a
$1000 After fertilization takes place in a flower, the ovary develops into a

88 $1000 fruit Scores

89 $200 Plants that have specialized tissues for carrying minerals, water, or food are classified as what type of plants?

90 $200 vascular Scores

91 In a plant, where does most transpiration occur?
$400 In a plant, where does most transpiration occur?

92 $400 In the leaf Scores

93 What is the tissue through which plants transport water? Sugar (food)?
$600 What is the tissue through which plants transport water? Sugar (food)?

94 $600 xylem; phloem Scores

95 $800 What is an animal whose body temperature does not change much, even when the temperature of the environment changes called?

96 $800 an endotherm Scores

97 Any animal with a skull and a backbone is classified as
$1000 Any animal with a skull and a backbone is classified as

98 $1000 a vertebrate Scores

99 $200 What is an ectotherm?

100 $200 cold blooded animal Scores

101 $400 An animal with two similar halves that are mirror images of each other would have which type of symmetry?

102 $400 bilateral Scores

103 Daily Double

104 What is a form of asexual reproduction found in some animals?
$600 What is a form of asexual reproduction found in some animals?

105 budding, fragmentation
$600 budding, fragmentation Scores

106 $800 What is the process called when an insect develops from an egg to an adult?

107 $800 metamorphosis Scores

108 Which of the following best describes a vertebrate animal?
$1000 Which of the following best describes a vertebrate animal?

109 has a skull and a backbone
$1000 has a skull and a backbone Scores

110 $200 What does letter “A” represent?

111 $200 _____ photosynthesis Scores

112 $400 What cycle is picture representing? Nitrogen, Oxygen or Carbon.

113 $400 carbon Scores

114 $600 What is the letter “A” ?

115 $600 petals Scores

116 $800 What is the letter “C”?

117 $800 sepal Scores

118 $1000 Which letter corresponds to the structure in which pollen is produced?

119 $1000 D Scores

120 $200 What is the name of this structure? The letter “B.”

121 $200 Ovary Scores

122 Which of the following represents the stigma?
$400 Which of the following represents the stigma?

123 $400 A Scores

124 Which of the following represents an ovule?
$600 Which of the following represents an ovule?

125 $600 C Scores

126 Which of the following represents an anther?
$800 Which of the following represents an anther?

127 $800 B Scores

128 $1000 In plants, fertilization occurs when a sperm travels through the stigma and enters the egg in a(n)

129 $1000 ovule. Scores

130 Final Jeopardy Question
Life Science Final Jeopardy Question Scores

131 Label the type of cells are shown. Animal, plant or bacteria
Label the type of cells are shown? Animal, plant or bacteria. Which cell is prokaryotic? 1,2 or 3.

132 Cell 2 is the prokaryotic cell.
Cell 1- plant Cell 2-bacteria Cell 3- animal Cell 2 is the prokaryotic cell. Scores

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