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Qualitative Research Paper III.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualitative Research Paper III."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualitative Research Paper III

2 Paper III Format 1 Hour 3 compulsory questions based on mystery text (usually a piece of research)

3 Last year we learned…. About the scientific method (experimental research) The goal was to prove…. Cause and Effect BUT…..

4 Experimental Research has limitations….
Artificial in Nature Demand Characteristics Hawthorne Effect Screw You Effect It only focuses on a few variables….what about other things that the researcher never thought about. Called a reductionist approach

5 So they started doing QUALITATIVE RESEARCH A more holistic approach
It takes into account how people give meaning to their own experiences (their opinion) Looks at a person, small group or community (not interested in discovering some universal pattern of behavior).

6 Qualitative Research Theory and Practice in qualitative research
Interviews Observations Case Studies

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