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The Sectional Organization of the Spinal Cord

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Presentation on theme: "The Sectional Organization of the Spinal Cord"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sectional Organization of the Spinal Cord

2 An introduction to reflexes
Reflexes are rapid automatic responses to stimuli Neural reflex involves sensory fibers to CNS and motor fibers to effectors

3 Reflex arc Wiring of a neural reflex Five steps
Arrival of stimulus and activation of receptor Activation of sensory neuron Information processing Activation of motor neuron Response by effector

4 Components of a Reflex Arc

5 Reflex classification
According to development Site of information processing Nature of resulting motor response Complexity of neural circuit

6 Methods of Classifying Reflexes

7 reflex classifications
Innate reflexes Result from connections that form between neurons during development Acquired reflexes Learned, and typically more complex

8 More reflex classifications
Cranial reflexes Reflexes processed in the brain Spinal reflexes Interconnections and processing events occur in the spinal cord

9 still more reflex classifications
Somatic reflexes Control skeletal muscle Visceral reflexes (autonomic reflexes) Control activities of other systems

10 and more reflex classifications
Monosynaptic reflex Sensory neuron synapses directly on a motor neuron Polysynaptic reflex At least one interneuron between sensory afferent and motor efferent Longer delay between stimulus and response

11 Neural Organization and Simple Reflexes

12 Spinal Reflexes Range from simple monosynaptic to complex polysynaptic and intersegmental Many segments interact to form complex response

13 Monosynaptic Reflexes
Stretch reflex automatically monitors skeletal muscle length and tone Patellar (knee jerk) reflex Sensory receptors are muscle spindles Postural reflex maintains upright position

14 Components of the Stretch Reflex

15 The Patellar Reflex

16 Intrafusal Fibers

17 Polysynaptic reflexes
Produce more complicated responses Tendon reflex Withdrawal reflexes Flexor reflex Crossed extensor reflex

18 The Flexor and Crossed Extensor Reflexes

19 Polysynaptic reflexes
Involve pools of interneurons Are intersegmental in distribution Involve reciprocal inhibition Have reverberating circuits to prolong the motor response Several reflexes may cooperate to produce a coordinated response

20 Reinforcement and inhibition
Reinforcement = facilitation that enhances spinal reflexes Spinal reflexes can also be inhibited Babinski reflex replaced by planter reflex

21 The Babinski Reflexes

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