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2015 Fall Assessment Conference Georgia Milestones Update

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Fall Assessment Conference Georgia Milestones Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Fall Assessment Conference Georgia Milestones Update 2015-2016
2015 Fall Assessment Conference Georgia Milestones Update September 3, 2015 (Part 1, Test Administration) 1:00-3:00 PM September 15, 2015 (Part 2, Scores & Reports) 1:00-3:00 PM

2 Today’s Agenda General Information Policy Uses of Georgia Milestones
Administration Updates for Online Testing/Technology Requirements Oral Reading (“Read-Aloud”) Considerations Calculators Scheduling Retest Administrations Customer Service Important Dates & Resources 12/7/2018

3 Remaining Fall Assessment Conference Sessions
September 3, 2015 Georgia Milestones Update , Part 1 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm  Test Administration September 15, 2015 , Part 2 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Scores & Reports  September 17, 2015 Student Assessment Handbook Overview 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 12/7/2018

4 Assessment Administration Contact Information Georgia Milestones Lead Contact for End of Grade (EOG) Support Contact for EOG & EOC Technology Robert McLeod, Ed.D. (404) Lead Contact for End of Course (EOC) Lead Contact for EOG & EOC Accommodations Mary Nesbit-McBride, Ph.D. (404) ; Lead Contact for EOG & EOC Technology Georgia Online Formative Assessment Resource (GOFAR): Joe Blessing (404) ; Georgia Milestones In-State Program Manager Missy Smith (404) ;

5 Georgia Milestones Grades 3 – 8 High School
End of Grade (EOG) in language arts, mathematics, science, social studies High School End of Course (EOC) in 9th Grade Literature & Composition, American Literature & Composition, Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Algebra I, Geometry, Physical Science, Biology, US History, and Economics New EOCs available beginning with the Winter 2015 Main Administration

6 Georgia Milestones: Unique Features
Features include: inclusion of constructed-response items in ELA and mathematics, in addition to selected-response items inclusion of a writing component (in response to text) at every grade level and course within the ELA assessment; inclusion of norm-referenced items in every grade and content area to complement the criterion-referenced information and to provide a national comparison; and transition to online administration over time, with online administration considered the primary mode of administration and paper-pencil available until transition is completed.

7 General Test Parameters
Georgia Milestones General Test Parameters ELA will consist of 3 sections Section 3 will focus mainly on writing GSE-aligned beginning with Winter 2015 Mathematics will consist of 2 sections including a short no-calculator sub-section in grades 6- high school – located at the beginning of Section 1 Science will consist of 2 sections Social Studies will consist of 2 sections

8 Achievement Levels Beginning Learners do not yet demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need substantial academic support to be prepared for the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness. Developing Learners demonstrate partial proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need additional academic support to ensure success in the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness. Proficient Learners demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are prepared for the next grade level or course and are on track for college and career readiness. Distinguished Learners demonstrate advanced proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are well prepared for the next grade level or course and are well prepared for college and career readiness.

9 Policy Uses of Georgia Milestones

10 Policy Uses: Georgia Milestones
The End of Course (EOC) measures serve as the final exam and comprise 20% of a student’s final course grade 15% for students enrolled in grade nine for the first time prior to July 1, 2011 Eligible students may seek to demonstrate subject area competency (“test-out”) before enrolling in a course with an associated EOC The End of Grade (EOG) measures help determine promotion/retention status in grade 3 (reading), grade 5 (reading and mathematics), and grade 8 (reading and mathematics) A reading score will be provided to inform promotion status. A retest will be available in the content area of ELA for those who require a retest. For mathematics, students in the Beginning Learner Achievement Level require a retest (grades 5 & 8). Informs Georgia’s accountability measures (CCRPI, Growth, Educator Effectiveness) Provides a college and career readiness signal 12/7/2018

11 Rule Waiver Has Expired
Last year’s waiver of the Rules listed below has expired: Promotion, Placement, and Retention sections (3)(a), (3)(b), (3)(c) Statewide Passing Score sections (2)(d), (2)(e), (2)(f) The Summer 2016 EOG Retest Administration is scheduled for May 16 – July 22, Retests will be available in: ELA (3 sections, 2 days), grades 3, 5, and 8 Mathematics (2 sections, 1 day), grades 5 and 8 Beginning with course enrollments, the EOC resumes its role as the final exam for associated courses serving as a portion of the student’s final course grade.

12 Achievement Levels & Policy Uses
Distinguished Learner This will be the Achievement Level required for a successful EOC “test-out” attempt. Proficient Learner Developing Learner Beginning Learner This level will require a retest in the area of mathematics for grades 5 & 8. For EOC, these students are eligible for EOC retests beginning with the Spring 2016 EOC Mid-Month Administration. Note: Promotion/Retention in the area of reading in grades 3, 5, and 8 will not be determined by an Achievement Level. Instead, a reading score will be provided for the purpose of determining promotion status in grades 3, 5, and 8. A retest will be available in the content area of ELA for those who require a retest in these grades based upon the reading designation. 12/7/2018

13 Test Administration Updates 2015-2016

14 Georgia Milestones Quick Updates
CTB purchased by Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) on July 1, 2015. The length of the EOG main testing window remains at 9 consecutive school days. The testing window for EOG Summer 2016 Retest Administration has been established, May 16 – July 22, 2016. As a result of both the transition from CCGPS >>> GSE, and work with educators this summer, the posting of new/updated resource documents is underway and will continue over the next few weeks. For Braille students, Georgia’s classrooms will be transitioning to Unified English Braille (UEB) code in We anticipate that Georgia Milestones will mirror this transition beginning with the Winter 2015 EOC. Consult with your local Special Education/Visually Impaired experts for more details about Georgia’s instructional transition in this area. GaDOE’s Special Education & Supports Division has posted their UEB Transition Plan at: Services/Pages/Deaf-Blind.aspx Note that Braille code relative to computation and notation will remain in Nemeth at this time. 12/7/2018

15 Feedback & Online Testing Surveys
Based upon feedback received, the following administration guidelines will change beginning with the Winter 2015 EOC Main Administration Scratch Paper is allowable in all four EOG content areas and for all ten EOCs Administration Times have changed effective with the Winter EOC The No-Calculator sub-section in grades 6-high school will move from the end of Section 1 to the beginning of Section 1 Refinement of answer documents, online forms, directions for ELA Section 3

Effective beginning with the Winter 2015 EOC Main Administration Applies to paper-pencil & online settings As in past years, paper-pencil students may still write in their test booklet (but no highlighters) ** Scratch paper is considered SECURE once used ** ELA Allowed in all Sections 1, 2, and 3, both EOG and EOC – One sheet MATH Allowed in both Sections, both EOG and EOC – Two sheets SCIENCE Allowed in both Sections, both EOG and EOC Phys. Science & Biology – One sheet SOCIAL STUDIES Allowed in both Sections, both EOG and EOC US History & Economics – One sheet 12/7/2018

Effective with the Winter 2015 EOC Main Administration ELA, Sections 1 and 2 Minimum = 60 Maximum = 75 (Up from 70 minutes) ELA, Section 3 Minimum = 70 Maximum = 90 Math, Sections 1 & 2 Maximum = 85 (Up from 80 minutes) Science, Sections 1 & 2 Minimum = 45 (Down from 50 minutes) Maximum = 70 Social Studies, Sections 1 & 2 12/7/2018

18 Minimum Time Per Section(s) Maximum Time Per Section(s)
Revised Georgia Milestones Administration Times Effective beginning with the Winter 2015 EOC Main Administration Content Area/Course Test Section(s) Minimum Time Per Section(s) Maximum Time Per Section(s) English Language Arts 1 and 2 60 75 3 70 90 Mathematics 85 Science 45 Social Studies Note: These maximum time limits do not apply to those students who have the accommodation of extended time.

19 GEORGIA MILESTONES EOC COURSES 2015-2016 Changes from 2014-2015 appear in purple font
Course ID Course Name Corresponding EOC Ninth Grade Literature and Composition 9th Grade Literature American Literature and Composition American Literature AP English Language and Composition IB English B, Year One IB English A Literature, Year One IB English A Language & Literature, Year One Biology I Biology AP Biology IB Biology, Year One Physical Science United States History US History AP United States History IB History of the Americas, Year One Economics Business Free Enterprise Economics AP Macroeconomics AP Microeconomics IB Economics, Year One Coordinate Algebra Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A Analytic Geometry Accelerated Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra Algebra I Geometry Accelerated Algebra I/Geometry A Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra II

20 Online Testing/Technology

21 Georgia Milestones Online Testing 2014-2015 by the Numbers….
Online Administrations (EOG Spring & EOC Winter/Spring) Spring EOG: ~233,000 (30%) Winter EOC: ~129,000 (73%) Spring EOC: ~557,000 (71%) Grand Total School Year Online Administrations: 919,636 Paper-Pencil Administrations: 819,078 Grand Total: 1,738,714 Overall % Online: 53%

22 Transition to Online Testing
Online administration will be the primary mode of administration for Georgia Milestones, with paper/pencil available until the transition is complete. Again, in , we are seeking to have a minimum of 30% of each district’s test administrations conducted online (across all grades and administrations). All schools should conduct some degree of online testing during each administration. The use of the “screen reader” to deliver the oral reading accommodation is the preferred method of delivery. Decisions should be based upon what is in the interest of individual students – taking into account district readiness for online testing. Administration procedures will change in some areas as a result of the transition to DRC’s INSIGHT platform. These will be addressed in upcoming technology and pre-administration trainings And, of course, in administration manuals. A new online practice center, that mirrors functionalities within the INSIGHT platform, will be available for students.

23 Transition to Online Testing (using INSIGHT)

24 Transition to Online Testing (using INSIGHT)
Technology Requirements posted at: Milestones-Assessment-System.aspx These specifications are effective with the Winter 2015 EOC. Information about trainings relative to DRC’s online testing and administrative platforms will be forthcoming. Supported operating systems for INSIGHT include: Windows Mac Linux (Ubuntu only) Chrome Apple iOS Android (Lollipop 5.0 or higher) INSIGHT has a Testing Site Manager (TSM): that is required for online audio accommodations (“screen reader”); that provides caching and a software “toolbox” to help plan, configure and manage online testing environments. Requirements for the TSM also appear in the above-mentioned requirements document.

25 Transition to Online Testing (using INSIGHT)
Thin Clients/Desktop Virtualization Note that DRC INSIGHT does support Thin Client solutions, including: nComputing Citrix Wyse VMWare for non-audio test delivery. Consult Technology Requirements document! Schools that use Thin Client/Desktop Virtualization solutions will likely need to plan to use non-Thin Client configurations or administer Oral Reading accommodations via paper/human reader as audio delivery support is not ensured for Thin Clients. The use of a human reader will require that students are assigned a common form. DRC Customer Service (for GA Milestones) can be reached at (866) ; 12/7/2018

26 Oral Reading (Read-Aloud) Considerations

27 Oral Reading (Read-Aloud) Considerations
“Screen reader” is the preferred method of administration (exception Signing of Reading Passages). Headphones are required for online audio delivery INSIGHT will provide an opportunity (behind a log-in) for students to practice with the text-to-speech (TTS) function The TSM must be used to activate TTS TTS is not supported in Thin Client configurations Where a human reader delivers the accommodation, examiners must adhere to directions provided in the Read-Aloud Guidelines. Milestones-Assessment-System.aspx   The chart of state-approved accommodations – both Conditional and Standard – can be found in the Student Assessment Handbook and the Accommodations Manual. 12/7/2018

28 Calculator Policy 12/7/2018

29 Georgia Milestones Calculator Policy
Content Area Grade Level/Course Type of Calculator Mathematics Grades 3 – 5 EOG Not Allowed Grade 6 EOG Basic1 Grades 7 – 8 EOG Scientific or Basic1 Coordinate Algebra EOC & Algebra I EOC Graphing2 or Scientific Analytic Geometry EOC & Geometry EOC Science Physical Science EOC Social Studies Economics EOC 1Basic four-function calculator with square root and percentage functions. 2Graphing calculator with functionalities consistent with TI-84 or similar models. Calculators are not permitted on certain designated sub-sections of each mathematics test in grades 6-8 and high school.

30 Georgia Milestones Calculator Policy
Students and staff must adhere to the guidelines listed below and those that appear on subsequent slides. Given that technology changes rapidly, these guidelines may change at any time. A list of state approved calculators will not be issued. It is incumbent upon the System Test Coordinators, School Test Coordinators, and Test Examiners to ensure all calculator policies are implemented and followed. Calculators may not be shared by students.  The following devices/features are NOT allowed: For Basic and Scientific calculators, devices that store text and/or have QWERTY keyboards or typewriter-like keyboards. Calculators that have programs stored in the memory other than those that are factory installed No cell phones, personal laptops, minicomputers, pocket organizers, iPods, and personal tablets Calculators with beaming capabilities Calculators with wireless communication technologies and/or Internet access Calculators with built in Computer Algebra System – CAS Calculators that make noise, have paper tape, or that have voice

31 Georgia Milestones Calculator Policy
Graphing Calculators and End of Course (EOC) Mathematics Graphing calculators will be allowed for student use on the EOC mathematics tests ONLY. (Note: For Physical Science and Economics only a scientific calculator is allowed.) Given that many models of graphing calculators possess the ability to store text, and may prevent that feature from being disabled, it is required that System and School Test Coordinators, and Test Examiners, confirm prior to testing and immediately after testing (before dismissing students) that all graphing calculators are cleared of any stored text. A failure to confirm that text is cleared may raise school-wide (and possibly system-wide) security concerns. A failure to take these steps constitutes an irregularity that must be reported to GaDOE. Should it be confirmed that a student either brought information into a test setting through stored text, or left the test setting with secure test information stored on a device, the student’s test will be invalidated. Such an event must be reported to GaDOE. Georgia Milestones will provide an online graphing tool/calculator, where appropriate, for student use. Concerns regarding the logistics and stipulations surrounding the use of hand-held graphing calculators can be eliminated by testing students online.

32 Additional Calculator Considerations
Review calculator guidelines for elementary, middle, and high school very carefully as they vary. In grades 6-8 and high school, mathematics test forms will have sections where calculator use is permitted and a short sub-section where calculator use is NOT permitted. Test manuals will address this and will include script to address the logistics involved. Adherence, by examiners and students, will be critically important. Calculators are NOT permitted as an accommodation in the No-Calculator sub-section in grades 6 – high school. Online testing will ease the logistics around the transition from calculator to no-calculator subsection. Questions regarding hand-held calculator models should be directed to the System Test Coordinator who can then contact the GaDOE Assessment Administration Division if necessary. Please do not refer school-level staff directly to GaDOE – this is important to ensure consistent information is shared across your district. Calculator questions that come to GaDOE from school-level staff will be forwarded to the System Test Coordinator for review.

33 Additional Calculator Considerations
A single (1) allowable hand-held calculator will be permitted in online testing environments again this year. (Local systems may chose to not allow the devices.) Calculator Policy is posted at: Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones- Assessment-System.aspx. DRC INSIGHT will allow, where appropriate, for more than one calculator to be available online. For example, in high school math, where a scientific or graphing calculator is allowable the online platform will provide for both to be available for student use. Remember, calculators are NOT required for students to complete test items on Georgia Milestones They are ALLOWABLE where noted, but NOT required. 12/7/2018

34 INSIGHT Online Calculator (Basic)
Note: Where Basic calculators are allowed, hand-held models are permitted to contain % and Square Root functions (since it’s very difficult to find Basic models for purchase without these functions). 12/7/2018

35 INSIGHT Online Calculator (Scientific)
View Change Button View Change Button View 1 View 2 12/7/2018

36 INSIGHT Online Graphing Tool
Y= Screen Graphing Screen Adds “x” to the equation line Default Mode = Degrees Returns To Y= Screen Click Graph button to display Graph Screen 12/7/2018

37 Scheduling and Administration Guidelines 2015-2016

38 End of Course (EOC) Assessments Specified high school courses
End of Grade (EOG) Assessments Grades 3-8 State Testing Windows Main Administrations Winter 2015: 11/ /08 Spring 2016: 04/ /03 Summer 2016: 06/ /22 Mid-Month Administrations 01/19 – 01/29 02/15 – 02/26 03/07 – 03/18 Main Administration April 4 – May 6, 2016 Retest Administration (Gr. 3, 5, and 8) May 16 – July 22, 2016 Local Testing Window Can span the entire EOC State Testing Window Nine day window within the EOG State Testing Window Structure Paper/Pencil and online administration modes available for all content For paper/pencil administrations an individual test booklet will be provided for each of the 10 EOCs *Section 3 will assess writing through an extended constructed-response For paper/pencil administration there will be one test booklet by grade containing all 4 EOG content areas Order Determined by School District English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies Content Sections Max.Minutes Per Section Ninth and American Literature and Composition 3* 75 (Sect. 1 & 2) 90 (Sect. 3) Coordinate Algebra, Algebra I, Analytic Geometry, and Geometry 2 85 Biology and Physical Science 70 United States History and Economics Content Sections Max. Minutes per Section English Language Arts 3* 75 (Sect. 1 & 2) 90 (Sect. 3) Mathematics 2 85 Science 70 Social Studies

39 General Scheduling and Administration Guidelines
Target for online testing is a minimum of 30% of students district-wide across Grades 3 – 12. Each school within a district must conduct some degree of online testing. For the EOG, students who are tested online must engage in online testing in all content areas. In other words, a student who takes the Grade 5 ELA assessment online must also test online in Math, Science, and Social Studies. The scheduled start date for an EOG grade-level content area or EOC content area must be consistent district-wide regardless of administration mode. Each grade-level content area (EOG) or course area (EOC) should be scheduled for completion during the same week as its start date. The exception to this, should it be necessary, is ELA Section 3 (writing).

40 General Scheduling and Administration Guidelines - continued
Breaks provided to students during a test administration must conform to directions in the Examiners Manual. For instance, a lunch break of 25 minutes does not conform to this requirement and presents potential test security concerns. Note: This does not apply to EOC two-day administrations given the nature of that model of scheduling. Makeup Days/Sessions Make-up days and/or sessions must be designated within the local testing window. The last day of the local testing window should be scheduled as a makeup day to capture any remaining students who need to complete testing. In addition to designated makeup days; makeup sessions can be scheduled, morning or afternoon, as time permits on other days during the local window. These are sometimes referred to as “rolling make-ups”.

41 Differences in Scheduling Guidelines to Consider When Scheduling the EOC and EOG
Administration mode for a student can vary from one content area to another Yes No Schedule for individual content area administrations can span consecutive school days (for paper and/or online) Online Only AM and PM sessions of the same content area are permitted (Paper PM make-ups allowed) Sections 1 and 2 of a content area can be scheduled on separate consecutive days (2-day administration model)

42 Scheduling for EOG Online
In order to maximize online testing capacity in grades 3-8, districts may stagger the scheduled start date for grade-level content areas provided the scheduled start date for each grade level content area is consistent district-wide. For instance, Grade 3 ELA can be scheduled to start on a Monday and complete with Social Studies on Friday of the same week; Grade 4 ELA can then be scheduled to start on a later day that week. Because the scheduled start date for EOG grade-level content must be consistent system-wide, considerations must be given to the various levels of student enrollment (and online testing capacity) across schools within a system. Larger schools, dependent upon their online capacity, would likely take longer to complete a grade- level content area than a smaller school. The 9-day window for grades 3-8 remains in place. However, GaDOE will be available to talk with districts in detail regarding schedules and attempts to maximize the implementation of online testing. GaDOE is open to discussing windows that extend up to 12-days for this purpose.

43 Clarifying Scheduling for EOG Paper/Pencil Administrations
EOG Paper/pencil administrations must be scheduled, and administered, on a calendar that is consistent district-wide. The scheduled start date, by grade level content area, must be the same for both paper/pencil and online administration modes. For instance, all Grade 3 Math students (both paper and online) start testing in mathematics on the same day. Should there be a need for online test administrations to extend beyond one day in Grade 3 Math, paper/pencil administrations cannot begin for the next content (Science) until online test-takers are complete with Math. The collection of enrollment counts (including paper/pencil and online numbers) will not be required until January So there is time to converse and plan for your Spring 2016 EOG window.

44 Considerations for Administering English Language Arts (ELA)
The ELA assessment for the End of Course (EOC) and the End of Grade (EOG) consists of 3 sections. This will be true of the EOG Summer Retest as well. Section 3 (Writing) is comprised of an extended constructed- response. Because of the unique characteristics of the design of the ELA content area, special considerations MUST be considered when scheduling for administration (including make-ups). For EOC, Sections 1 and 2 can be scheduled over 2 consecutive days. (As was the case in the past for the EOCT through the 2- day administration model) For EOG, Sections 1 and 2 must be scheduled on the same day.

45 Administering English Language Arts - continued
Ideally, ELA Section 3 should be the only content on which a student is assessed on the day it is scheduled, either as a main or makeup administration An exception to this would occur should a student need to make up multiple content areas and there are not enough days left in the local testing window. The administration of ELA Section 3 (writing) must be scheduled: 1) on a school day that immediately follows the scheduled completion of ELA Section 2 and; 2) before the administration of a subsequent content area (make- ups may be an exception to this).

46 Administering English Language Arts - continued
If necessary, a student who was absent on Day 1 of ELA (Sections 1 & 2) and who returns on Day 2 of ELA (Section 3) . . . may take ELA Section 3 as scheduled to remain “on schedule” with their school/system/peers Sections 1 & 2 can then be completed during a subsequent make-up administration. For EOG, the scheduled main administration start date for ELA Section 3 (writing) must be consistent district-wide by grade (3- 8). For EOC, the scheduled main administration start date for ELA Section 3 (writing) must be consistent district-wide by course (9th Grade Literature, American Literature).

47 Retest Administrations 2015-2016 (EOC & EOG)

48 EOC Retests Spring 2016 Mid-Month Summer 2016 Main
EOC Retest Administrations resume with the Spring 2016 EOC Mid-Month windows: January 19 – 29, 2016 February 15 – 26, 2016 March 7 – 18, 2016 * * Eligible students may attempt to “test-out” during this window As in previous years, retest administrations will occur within the confines of the Mid- Month Administrations. As in the past, retests will also be permitted during the Summer (2016) Main Administration. Policy guidelines for EOC retest administrations appear in the Student Assessment Handbook. It is critical, and required, that retest administrations be coded as such in the “Purpose” field. 12/7/2018

49 EOC Mid-Months & Retests: January – March 2016
The administration of retests should adhere to the following parameters: Original EOC administration: Retest opportunity completed no later than the: Fall Mid-Month Administration subsequent February Mid-Month Administration Winter Main Administration subsequent March Mid-Month Administration Spring Mid-Month Administration subsequent Summer Main or August Mid-Month Administration Spring Main Administration subsequent September Mid-Month Administration Summer Main Administration subsequent October Mid-Month Administration Students are NOT be permitted to take the same EOC more than once during a given EOC Mid-Month or the Summer testing window. For example, students cannot take the Biology EOC as their 20% final exam during a mid-month, “fail” the Biology EOC, and then take the Biology EOC as a retest during the same mid-month administration. If this occurs, the second of the two administrations (the retest) must be invalidated. The same holds true for retests conducted in the Summer administration. The March 2016 Mid-Month window may be used for “test-out” purposes. Code in “Purpose” field. 12/7/2018

50 EOG Retests Summer 2016 EOG Retest Administrations resume with the Summer 2016 Retest as follows: May 16 – July 22, 2016 For students requiring a retest in grades 3, 5, and 8 The ELA test will contain three sections, and occur over two days, as is the case during the Main Administration. The mathematics retest will contain two sections, and require a single day of testing, as is the case during the Main Administration. As in the past, systems may select two, distinct, five-day windows for the retest administration if desired. 12/7/2018

51 Scheduling EOG Retests Summer 2016
State Retest Window: May 16 – July 22, 2016 During the EOG enrollment count collection in January 2016, systems may select two, five-day windows for retest purposes. Five days allows for the 2-day administration of ELA, a 1-day administration of mathematics, and a 2-day set of dedicated make-up days Retest Form The ELA test will contain three sections, and occur over two days, as is the case during the Main Administration. The mathematics retest will contain two sections, and require a single day of testing, as is the case during the Main Administration. The last day of the spring state testing window is May 6 A two-week turn-around is anticipated between the date on which scorable answer documents (paper or online) are received at a scoring center 12/7/2018

52 Scheduling EOG Retests Summer 2016
Of course, online answer documents will reach scoring centers much quicker than paper documents. For districts that wish to retest before the end of the academic year It is suggested that districts consider online testing for grades 3, 5, and 8 if technology capabilities permit. It is also suggested that districts consider testing grades 3, 5, and 8 early in their local window. Counting “backwards” from your desired retest administration start date and taking into account the anticipated two-week turn-around for scores can help inform decisions about your main administration testing window. 12/7/2018

53 Customer Service Paper-Pencil Materials/Shipments Online Questions & Technical Support
At this time, Georgia Milestones Customer Service contact information remains unchanged: (866) 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM ET This will switch over to a DRC toll-free number and address on a date TBD. 12/7/2018

54 Important Dates & Resources

55 GaDOE Data Collections Pre-ID for Georgia Milestones
Cycle #2 (EOC Winter Main 2015): September 8-23, 2015 Cycle #3 (EOC & EOG Spring Main 2016): January 12-27, 2016 For EOC: Only students with “Yes” in the GaDOE Pre-ID file’s Online Indicator field will be loaded for online testing. Paper labels will NOT be provided for those who are marked “Yes” in the Online Indicator field. Paper labels will be provided only for those marked “No” in the Online Indicator field. For EOG: All students WILL be provided a paper pre-id label. To supplement GaDOE’s Pre-ID collection, DRC’s INSIGHT platform will allow for the direct, secure uploading of online test-takers, just prior to test windows, should you have late additions. 12/7/2018

56 Georgia Milestones: Key Dates 2015-2016
Pre-ID Cycle II (Winter EOC): September 8 -23 Availability of DRC INSIGHT software for local deployment: Early October (Tentative) Will likely correspond closely to the deployment of INSIGHT software for ACCESS for ELLs Availability of DRC INSIGHT for test session creation, etc.: No later than Nov. 9 Winter 2015 EOC Paper Materials: Shipment begins Nov. 9 Winter 2015 EOC Main Administration: November 30-January 8 Spring 2016 EOC & EOG Enrollment Counts Collected: January (Tentative) Pre-ID Cycle III (Spring EOC & Spring EOG): January Spring 2016 EOC Mid-Month Administrations January 19-29 February 15-26 March 7-18 “Test-Outs” Allowed

57 Georgia Milestones: Key Dates 2015-2016
Availability of INSIGHT for EOG test session creation, etc.: No later than March 14 Spring EOG Paper Materials Delivery Begin: March 21 EOG Main State Testing Window: April 4-May 6 Availability of DRC INSIGHT for EOC test session creation, etc.: No later than April 4 Summer EOC Enrollment Counts Collected: April 11-22 Spring EOC Paper Materials Delivery Begin: April 11 Summer EOG Retest Paper Materials Delivery Begins: Late April TBD EOC Main State Testing Window: April 25-June 3 EOG Summer Retest Administration Window: May 16 – July 22

58 Georgia Milestones: Key Dates 2015-2016
Availability of DRC INSIGHT for EOC summer test session creation, etc.: No later than May 30 Summer 2016 EOC Paper Materials Delivery Begins: June 6 EOC Summer Main Administration: June 20-July 22 Retests & “Test-Outs” allowed 12/7/2018

59 Georgia Milestones: Training Dates 2015-2016
September 22 (1:30 PM): eDirect Training October 1 (1:30 PM) & October 5 (10:00 AM): INSIGHT Installation October 27 (10:00 AM): Winter 2015 EOC Pre-Administration October 28 (1:00 PM): Winter 2015 EOC Pre-Administration October 29 (10:00 AM): Winter 2015 EOC Pre-Administration November 2 (1:30 PM) & November 16 (10:00 AM): Winter 2015 EOC Online Test Set-Up Training January 6 (10:00 AM): eDirect Spring/Summer Enrollment Count Training January 11 (1:30 PM): eDirect Spring/Summer Enrollment Count Training 12/7/2018

60 Georgia Milestones: Training Dates 2015-2016
March 1 (10:00 AM): Spring/Summer 2016 EOG Pre-Administration March 2 (1:00 PM): Spring/Summer 2016 EOG Pre-Administration March 3 (10:00 AM): Spring/Summer 2016 EOG Pre-Administration March 7 & 21 (1:00 PM): Spring/Summer 2016 EOC Online Test Administration System (INSIGHT) Training (Tentative) March 22 (10:00 AM): Spring/Summer 2016 EOC Pre-Administration March 23 (1:00 PM): Spring/Summer 2016 EOC Pre-Administration March 24 (10:00 AM): Spring/Summer 2016 EOC Pre-Administration 12/7/2018

61 Resources Available - Content Standards
GSE: English Language Arts & Mathematics GPS: Science and Social Studies - Assessment Guides - Revised (GSE, annual updates, etc.), New for Algebra I & Geometry - Eliciting Evidence of Student Learning Modules - Georgia Online Formative Assessment Resource (GOFAR) - Student Assessment Handbook Overview webinar 9/17/15, 9:00 AM - Study/Resource Guides for Students & Parents - Technology Requirements (INSIGHT) – Effective Winter 2015 - COMING SOON: Online Tools Training/Practice Center (for INSIGHT) Public/Parent /Student Site (No Log-In) Student Site (Log-in required)

62 Questions & Answers

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