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Monday August 24, 2015 Independent work: ( I will be collecting these)

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1 Monday August 24, 2015 Independent work: ( I will be collecting these)
On a half sheet of paper make a list of all the reasons why someone would break up with someone else. Standard: Historical Perspective, Culture and Society Learning target: We can describe what the reformation was using key vocabulary

2 Agenda Independent work Vocabulary – activity Now You Exit Slip

3 The Protestant Reformation
The break up of the Catholic Church with protestants.

4 Vocabulary Christian Humanism - The major goal of this movement was the reform of the catholic church Salvation – acceptance into heaven Indulgence – a release from all or part of the punishment for sin. (usually paid for in the form of money)

5 4. Martin Luther – Church reformation leader who wrote the 95 theses.
5. 95 theses – Topics that Martin Luther felt were corrupt in the Church which needed to be changed. He posted these to the door of the Catholic Church. 6. Edict of Worms – Document by the Emperor that made Martin Luther an outlaw within the Empire. His Theses were burned and he was captured.

6 7. Lutheranism – doctrine by Martin Luther, first protestant break from the church and his faith became known as Lutheran Churches. 8. Peace of Augsburg – peace treaty that ended the religious warfare within Germany between the different types of Christianity. People could choose their own religion. 9. John Calvin – One of the first people in France to break off from the Catholic church and began Protestantism.

7 10. Predestination - “the eternal decree.”
11. King Henry the VIII – broke away from the Catholic church in England because he wanted to divorce his wife because she would not bear him a son. Under him the king gained religious power. Catherine 1st wife for 23 years Anne Boleyn Married for 3 years Queen Elizabeth I Mary I of England Aka “ Bloody Mary

8 Now you Now that you have the definitions of your vocabulary words let’s put them to use! In the area next to the word and definitions either draw a picture of the word or use that word in a sentence that shows your understanding of the word.

9 Exit Slip Using your vocabulary describe the reformation in your own words.

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