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5-Minute Check List all the ways you can name a line.

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Presentation on theme: "5-Minute Check List all the ways you can name a line."— Presentation transcript:

1 5-Minute Check List all the ways you can name a line.
Small Script Letter; Any two points on the line. How many points determine a plane? How can a plane be named? Any 3 non-collinear points; Capital script letter or any 3 non-collinear points. List all the ways each intersect: Line & Line; Line & Plane; Plane and Plane. Lines intersect at a Point. Lines can intersect planes at 1 point, as a line, and not at all when parallel. Planes intersections are lines.

2 Segments & their Measures
Daily Objective(s) Students will analyze segments and determine midpoints, distance and congruence as well as justify their claim with supporting proofs or postulates. Mastery is 80% or better on independent practice problems.

3 Standard 8 Students will have a foundation in geometric concepts.

4 Preloaded Vocabulary Postulate- Rules that are accepted as true without having to be proven. Sometimes they are called axioms. Congruence- Simply put, segments or measures are equal to each other. Coordinate- A point which is described or graphed on a coordinate plane using a X value and a Y value (X,Y)

5 Postulate 1: Ruler post. The points on a line can be matched with those on the real # line. The real # that corresponds to a point is the coordinate of the point. If you find the difference between the coordinates of 2 points, then take the absolute value, you will have the distance between the points.

6 Ruler post. (continued)
A B x1 x2 The length of AB can be found by x2-x1 **The symbol for the length of AB is AB.

7 Example: Find AB. Point A is at 1.5 and B is at 5.
So, AB = = 3.5

8 Is Alex between Ty and Josh?
Yes! Ty Alex Josh No, but why not? How about now? In order for a point to be between 2 others, all 3 points MUST BE collinear!!

9 Post. 2: Segment Addition Post.
If B is between A & C, then AB + BC = AC. If AB + BC = AC, then B is between A & C. C B A

10 Think….Ink….Share 1. Points A, B & C are collinear. AB = BC
Given the information above what can be said about the Segments? Points? AB + BC = AC and B is the midpoint. 2. AB does not equal BC. What can be said now? AB + BC still = AC However, B is not as midpoint.

11 Ex: if DE=2, EF=5, and DE=FG, find FG, DF, DG, & EG.

12 (x1,y1) & (x2,y2) are the 2 points.
Reminders: Pythagorean Theorem – a2+b2=c2 a & b are the lengths of the legs of a right triangle and c is the length of the hypotenuse. Distance formula – (x1,y1) & (x2,y2) are the 2 points.

13 Segments that have the same length. If AB & XY have the same length,
Congruent ( ) Segments Segments that have the same length. If AB & XY have the same length, Then AB=XY, but AB XY Symbol for congruent

14 What was The Objective for today?
Students will analyze segments and determine midpoints, distance and congruence as well as justify their claim with supporting proofs or postulates. Mastery is 80% or better on independent practice problems.

15 Indy Practice PDF Online

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