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“I Am” poem.

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1 “I Am” poem

2 Purposes of I AM Poem To recognize the many roles we play
To practice authorship To draw up important memories of events, people, and places in our lives To develop self-respect and appreciate what is good and positive in ourselves

3 Requirements Title for your poem Author’s name
Typed, double spaced, and neat Must be a single page Minimum of at least 10 lines Minimum of two metaphors or similes Uses unique and vivid imagery Avoid the obvious and ordinary

4 Roles: wife, daughter, sister, friend, aunt, teacher, writer, reader, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel owner Traits: smart, funny, happy, loving, empathetic, outgoing, competitive, resilient, compassionate, sarcastic

5 DO NOW Either in your Writer’s Notebook, or on a clean sheet of paper in the English section of your notebook, write down: Roles: Traits

6 Writing your own poem Think about yourself.
What are the deepest feelings that define you? What are your hopes and dreams? What are your many identities?

7 Specific Language vs General Language
Identify general vs specific language General: The sky was blue that day. Specific: The sky burned so blue that day, it hurt to look up.

8 Brainstorm Using Images & Traits
Energetic: first chirping bird in summer time or sun peeping in the window Capable: a camel able to walk indefinitely Competitive: like an eager puppy Aspiring: The small buds of an oak tree (growing strong with each year) Shy: like the quiet music coming from a neighbor’s backyard

9 “Between Snoozing” by Mrs. Dawn Marinello
before dawn yawns - Life stretches and sighs I am a wife I am the rainbow arching over a puddle muddled driveway I am a daughter I am the first bite of meatball pizza with extra cheese I am an aunt I am the prayers I recite each night I am a fur mama I am a deep breath at 2:30 p.m., everyday, Monday thru Friday I am here I am alive I am me

10 DO NOW Brain Storm I AM poem Begin rough draft
Computers Lab Wed, 4/4; Thursday, 4/5

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