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Failed Reformations: Spain and Italy

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Presentation on theme: "Failed Reformations: Spain and Italy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Failed Reformations: Spain and Italy
I. Introduction II. Spain—Initial Success III. Spain—Ultimate Failure IV. Italy—Polity and Problems V. Italy’s early Reformation VI. Why the Italian Reformation Failed

2 The Iberian Peninsula in the Renaissance Period

3 Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536)



6 Juan de Valdes

7 Failed Reformations: Spain and Italy
I. Introduction II. Spain—Initial Success III. Spain—Ultimate Failure IV. Italy—Polity and Problems V. Italy’s early Reformation VI. Why the Italian Reformation Failed

8 The Iberian Peninsula in the Renaissance Period

9 The Spanish Inquisition

10 William Tyndale

11 Philip II of Spain (Son of Charles V)

12 Failed Reformations: Spain and Italy
I. Introduction II. Spain—Initial Success III. Spain—Ultimate Failure IV. Italy—Polity and Problems V. Italy’s early Reformation VI. Why the Italian Reformation Failed


14 Confraternity of Saint Monica

15 Cardinal Contarini

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