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EDCA and BlockAck Extensions for Reliable Multicast/Broadcast Services

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1 EDCA and BlockAck Extensions for Reliable Multicast/Broadcast Services
November 2007 12/7/2018May 2008 doc.: IEEE /2752r1 EDCA and BlockAck Extensions for Reliable Multicast/Broadcast Services Date: Authors: Liwen Chu, et al. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems

2 November 2007 12/7/2018May 2008 doc.: IEEE /2752r1 Abstract This contribution proposes EDCA and BlockAck extensions to improve link reliability for multicast/broadcast stream transmission Liwen Chu, et al. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems

3 Outlines Problems for multicast in 802.11
November 2007 12/7/2018May 2008 doc.: IEEE /2752r1 Outlines Problems for multicast in RTS/CTS extensions for multicast protection BlockAck extensions Liwen Chu, et al. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems

4 Problems for Multicast/Broadcast in 802.11
12/7/2018May 2008 Problems for Multicast/Broadcast in Collision in the BSS (intra-BSS Collision) The associated STAs transmit when an AP is transmitting multicast/broadcast frames Overlapping BSS (OBSS) Collision (Inter-BSS Collision) The STAs/APs in OBSSes transmit when an AP is transmitting multicast/broadcast frames Hidden node problem No ACK Collision S2 S1 S1 Collision S7 AP1 AP2 S5 S4 S3 S6 S3 S2 AP2 is a hidden node to AP1 Liwen Chu, et al.

5 RTS/CTS only for Unicast
RTS/CTS can alleviate the hidden node and OBSS problem by contending and reserve a TXOP before data frame transmissions in EDCA However RTS/CTS is currently only for unicast in For multicast, there is no RTS/CTS protection from hidden node and OBSS TXOP AIFS Busy Backoff RTS Data Data Data Block- AckReq Source SIFS SIFS CTS Block- Ack Destination Contention Window AIFS Other NAV (RTS) NAV (CTS) Liwen Chu, et al.

6 RTS/CTS Extensions for Multicast/Broadcast Protection
Definition: Reliable Multicast Broadcast Services (RMBS) capability elements Carry in beacon, probe response, (re)association request frames An AP may send multicast/broadcast RTS (MBRTS) to one or more stations to contend for a TXOP and to protect following multicast/broadcast transmissions STAs may reply with MBCTS MBRTS contains bitmap control and partial bitmap fields to specify a list of the reply-requested stations from which this MBRTS frame requests a MBCTS response. The reply-requested STAs send MBCTS in the order that they are listed in the MBRTS bitmap field. Liwen Chu, et al.

7 RMBS RTS/CTS Extensions
MB TXOP Obtain TXOP RMBS AP MB- RTS Data Data Data RMBS STA 1 MB- CTS1 RMBS STA 2 MB- CTS2 MB- CTS3 RMBS STA 3 MBCTS Transmission Period (MCP) MB receivers send MBCTS in the order listed in MBRTS bitmap RMBS STA 4 MB- CTS4 RMBS AP assumes obtaining MB TXOP and sending pending MB data frames only if Received all MBCTS from the intended STAs in the bitmap (or use other local policy) If no AP Tx after MB-CTS transmission period (AP decides not using this TXOP) STAs may reset their NAV Note: RMBS = Reliable Multicast Broadcast Services Liwen Chu, et al.

8 MBRTS and MBCTS Frame Format
Octets: 2 2 6 6 1 1-251 4 Frame Control Duration RA TA MBRTS Bitmap Control Partial Virtual Bitmap FCS Each bit in the bitmap identifies a STA by its association ID from which a MBCTS response is requested. Octets: 2 2 6 6 4 MBCTS Frame Control Duration RA TA FCS The TA field is the address of the STA that is transmitting the frame. Liwen Chu, et al.

9 Multiple RTS/CTS Procedure
Multiple BlockAckReq/Blockack in a TXOP can be used as reliable multicast/broadcast communication. But multiple BlockAck TXOP need protection before group transmission to avoid OBSS collision. Before the Multiple BlockAck TXOP, the AP can select more than one multicast group member and use multiple RTS/CTS to protect the PSMP TXOP. After receiving multicast RTS, multicast destinations return CTS based on the sequence indicated by the AP. Liwen Chu, et al.

10 Multiple RTS/CTS Procedure (Cont’d)
Protected Group Transmission TXOP Backoff BA Req BA Req BA Req AP1 RTS RTS Multicast Data Frames STA1 CTS BA STA2 CTS BA STA3 BA Protection Stage Broadcast/Multicast Tx Stage AP2 STA4 STA6 STA5 AP1 STA1 STA2 STA3 AP3 STA7 STA8 STA9 Liwen Chu, et al.

11 PSMP Protection PSMP can be used as reliable multicast/broadcast communication. But PSMP need protection before PSMP transmission to avoid OBSS collision. Method 1: before the PSMP TXOP, an AP can select more than one multicast group member and use PSMP/Null frame (other protection frames may be used instead) to protect the PSMP TXOP. No downlink data frames are transmitted. The uplink duration only allows a null frame to be transmitted. If there are buffered frames to the AP, the STA will respond with a null frame to request more uplink TXOP. If there is no buffered frame, the STA will respond with a null frame to indicate no buffered frames. If not all requested STAs reply the PSMP, it is up to the AP to decide if it continues the following group transmission. Method 2: before the PSMP TXOP, an AP can select a multicast group member and use RTS/CTS (protection frame) to protect the PSMP TXOP. Liwen Chu, et al.

12 PSMP Protection (Cont’d)
Protected PSMP TXOP Backoff AP1 PSMP PSMP Null frame Multicast Data Frames STA1 MTBA STA1 Null frame STA2 MTBA STA2 STA3 MTBA STA3 Protection Stage Broadcast/Multicast Tx Stage AP2 STA4 STA6 STA5 AP1 STA1 STA2 STA3 AP3 STA7 STA8 STA9 Liwen Chu, et al.

13 Multicast BlockAckReq with Immediate Block Ack Policy
Multicast Block Ack exchange Multicast data block RMBS AP Frame-exchange for NAV Protection Data Data Block AckReq Block Ack RMBS STA1 RMBS STA 2 Block Ack RMBS STA 3 Not included in the BlockAck-requested receiver list RMBS BlockAckReq contains a list of BlockAck-requested receivers (in the form of receiver bitmap control and partial bitmap field) The STAs in the list of BlockAck-requested receivers send their BlockAck in the order that they are specified in the partial bitmap of the RMBS BlockAckReq Note: RMBS=Reliable Multicast Broadcast Services Liwen Chu, et al.

14 Multicast BlockAck and Retransmission
BlockAckReq or BlockAck may be lost If RSMP AP does not successfully receive the MBlockAcks from all the intended recipient STAs, then retransmits the BlockAckReq with the remaining STAs in the receiver bitmap field from which the BlockAck have not received the remaining STAs respond with an BlockAck in the order listed in the BlockAckReq receiver bitmap this process is repeated until the AP receives BlockAcks from all the intended STAs or the number of retransmission attempts has reached to a limit MaxMBlockAckReqLimit. After BlockAckReq and M-BlockAck exchanges, the AP determines from the information in the received BlockAck bitmap whether a MSDU or an A-MSDU needs to be retransmitted. If a MSDU or an A-MSDU is lost (not correctly received by one or more intended multicast recipient STAs), the AP arranges the retransmissions of the lost MSDU or A-MSDU . The retransmitted frames are sent multicast After retransmitting the lost MSDU/A-MSDU and/or transmitting new MSDU/A-MSDU, the AP can initiate a new BlockAckReq and BlockAck exchange to obtain the receiving status of (re)transmitted MSDU/A-MSDU. This retransmission process can be repeated for a lost MSDU/A-MSDU until all the intended recipient STAs that sent the BlockAck receive the MSDU/A-MSDU correctly or the lifetime of this MSDU/A-MSDU expires. Liwen Chu, et al.

15 BlockAckReq Frame Extension
BAR Ack Policy Compressed Bitmap Multi-TID RMBS Reserved TID_INFO Frame Control Duration /ID BAR Receiver Information RA TA BAR Control BAR Information FCS BAR Receiver Bitmap Control BAR Receiver Partial Bitmap BAR receiver bitmap control subfield (1 octet): Bitmap Offset Value N = STA’s AID divided by 16 Bit 0 reserved and bits 1-7 Bitmap Offset Each bit in the BAR receiver partial virtual bitmap subfield corresponds to a specific station Bit i corresponds to the STA with an AID of 16 x N + i. If bit i in the receiver bitmap field is set to 1, then the station with AID 16 x N + i is requested to reply to this BlockAckReq with BlockAck Liwen Chu, et al.

16 BlockAck Frame Extension
BA Ack Policy Multi-TID Compressed Bitmap RMBS Reserved TID_INFO Frame Control RA TA BA Control BA Information Duration/ID BA Address FCS BA Address: The BA Address field of the BlockAck frame contains the group address for which this BlockAck frame acknowledges, and is set to the value of TA field in the previously received BlockAckReq frame to which this BlockAck responds. Liwen Chu, et al.

17 BlockAckReq & BlockAck Exchange Sequence with Delayed Policy and Ack
Multicast Block Ack Request and ACK Delayed multicast Block Ack and ACK Multicast data block RMBS AP (BAR Control, BAR Info, Receiver Info) Frame-exchange for NAV Protection Data Data Block AckReq Ack Ack Block Ack Ack RMBS STA 1 Ack Block Ack RMBS STA 2 RMBS STA 3 Not included in the block ack-requested receiver list Liwen Chu, et al.

18 Delayed multicast Block Ack Multicast Block Ack Request
M-BlockAckReq &M-BlockAck Exchange Sequence with Delayed Policy and No Ack Delayed multicast Block Ack Multicast data block Multicast Block Ack Request RMBS AP Frame-exchange for NAV Protection Data Data Block AckReq Block Ack RMBS STA 1 Block Ack RMBS STA 2 RMBS STA 3 Not included in the blockack-requested receiver list Liwen Chu, et al.

19 M-BlockAckReq & M-BlockAck Exchange Sequence with PSMP
RMBS AP Downlink phase PSMP Multicast Data Block Other multicast or unicast data blocks Multi-cast Data Multi-cast Data Block AckReq Uni-cast data STA 1 uplink data block Uplink phase Block Ack Up-link data RMBS STA 1 STA 2 uplink data block Block Ack RMBS STA 2 STA 3 uplink data block Up-link data RMBS STA 3 Not included in the blockack-requested receiver bitmap of M-BlockAckReq Liwen Chu, et al.

20 Multicast/broadcast Joining Procedure
A STA uses the extended capability field to tell the associated AP if it supports reliable multicast/broadcast communication, and the protection methods that it supports. An AP sends an Add multicast/broadcast blockAck (ADDMBBA) Request frame to the STA with the reliable multicast/broadcast capability to request to set up reliable multicast/broadcast transmission. After receiving an ADDMBBA Request frame, the STA replies with an ADDMBBA Response frame to the AP to indicate if it will joins an reliable multicast/broadcast group. Liwen Chu, et al.

21 Multicast/broadcast Deleting Procedure
If an AP wants to tear down the group, it sends via unicast/multicast/broadcast a Leave multicast/broadcast blockAck (LVMBBA) frame to each STA in the MBBA group. Liwen Chu, et al.

22 References [1] IEEE /1972r13, “Draft PAR and 5 Criteria for Video Transport Stream (VTS) SG” [2] IEEE P [3] IEEE P802.11n Draft Standard D7.00 Liwen Chu, et al.

23 Thank You! Questions? Liwen Chu, et al.

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