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Academic Vocabulary Unit 1.

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1 Academic Vocabulary Unit 1

2 Allusion An indirect reference to a famous person, place, event, or literary work

3 Analyze To examine critically, so as to bring out the essence of

4 Cite To quote and give credit to a passage, book, author, etc.

5 Claim Statement that asserts something to be true. It can be either factual or a judgment.

6 Irony A special kind of contrast between appearance and reality-usually one in which reality is opposite of what it seems There are three kinds: situational, verbal, and dramatic

7 Foreshadow Writer’s use of hints or clues to suggest events that will occur later in the story

8 Memoir Form of autobiographical writing in which a writer shares his or her personal experiences and observations of significant events or people. Often informal or even intimate in tone, they usually give readers insight into the impact of historical events in people’s lives.

9 Mood Feeling or atmosphere that the writer creates for the reader. Descriptive words, imagery and figurative language contribute to it

10 Perspective The faculty of seeing all the relevant data in a meaningful relationship

11 Rhetoric The study of the effective use of language
The art or science of all specialized literary use of language in a prose or verse, including figures of speech

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