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2 Passage #1 If you ever seen anyone bursting with spite, it was him. He was blood red. One smack from that fist of his was all it would take to flatten me out. I knew that. I wasn’t worried. He couldn’t be that much of a lunatic to get himself hauled into court.

3 SPITE The word spite means: Anticipation Excitement Anger Frustration

4 HAUL The word haul means: Found guilty Dragged into Kicked out of

5 Passage #2 Jonas glanced around at the astonishing array of books.

6 Array The word array means: Appearance Variety Collection Amount

7 Passage #3 Jonas trudged to the bench beside the storehouse and sat down, overwhelmed with feelings of loss.

8 Trudged The word trudge means: Walked Skipped Moped Pushed

9 Passage #4 Jonas felt a ripping sensation inside himself, the feeling of terrible pain clawing its way forward to emerge in a cry.

10 Emerge The word emerge means: Begin Come out Awaken Escape

11 Passage #5 He had hesitated for a moment, standing beside the bike port in the darkness, not wanting anything of his father’s and uncertain, as well, whether he could comfortably ride the larger bike when he was so accustomed to his own.

12 Accustomed The word accustomed means: Attached Comfortable with
Used to Happy with

13 Passage #6 At first it’s exhilarating: the speed, the sharp, clear air; but then the snow accumulates…

14 Accumulates The word accumulate means: Keeps falling Melts Builds up
Gets colder

15 Passage #7 His mind reeled. Now, empowered to ask questions of utmost rudeness -and promised answers - he could, conceivably (though it was almost unimaginable), ask someone, some adult, his father perhaps: “Do you lie?”

16 Reeled The word reeled means: Pounded with pain Was confused
Was full of thoughts Considered thoughtfully

17 Conceivably The word conceivably means: Possibly Impossibly Believably

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