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Midterm review: closed book multiple choice chapters 1 to 9

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1 Midterm review: closed book multiple choice chapters 1 to 9
Operating Systems Operating Systems Midterm review: closed book multiple choice chapters 1 to 9

2 COP 5994 - Operating Systems
Chapter 1&2: The Basics kernel mode or kernel space user mode or user space system call: user mode program invokes kernel mode functionality COP Operating Systems

3 Chapter 2: Operating System Architectures
monolithic layered micro-kernel distributed COP Operating Systems

4 COP 5994 - Operating Systems
Chapter 3: Process end begin COP Operating Systems

5 Process Control Blocks
Execution context Process Control Blocks COP Operating Systems

6 COP 5994 - Operating Systems
Context Switch COP Operating Systems

7 COP 5994 - Operating Systems
Interrupt Processing COP Operating Systems

8 Chapter 4: Thread vs. Process
COP Operating Systems

9 Combining User- and Kernel-level Threads
m-to-n thread mapping: COP Operating Systems

10 Chapter 5: Concurrent execution
System has more than one thread/process either independent or in cooperation: mostly independent occasionally need to communicate or synchronize COP Operating Systems

11 Mutual exclusion algorithm
General structure of process Pi (vs. Pj) do { entry protocol critical section exit protocol remainder section } while (true); COP Operating Systems

12 COP 5994 - Operating Systems
Semaphore Software construct to enforce mutual exclusion Contains a protected variable: accessed via wait and signal commands P V binary semaphore: 0 or one counting semaphore COP Operating Systems

13 COP 5994 - Operating Systems
Chapter 6: Monitor Programming language construct Contains data and procedures needed to access shared resource resource accessible only within the monitor Supports: mutual exclusion synchronization Dijkstra, Brinch-Hansen, Hoare COP Operating Systems

14 Chapter 7: Conditions for Deadlock
Mutual exclusion resource accessed by only one process at a time Hold-and-wait-for process holds resource(s) while waiting for other resource(s) No-preemption system cannot remove resource from the process until the process has finished using the resource Circular-wait processes are in a “circular chain” where each process is waiting for resource(s) of next process in chain COP Operating Systems

15 Chapter 8: Processor scheduling
COP Operating Systems

16 COP 5994 - Operating Systems
Scheduling Criteria CPU utilization keep the CPU as busy as possible Throughput # of processes that complete per time unit Turnaround time amount of time to execute a process Waiting time time a process has been waiting in the ready queue Response time time from request until first response is produced COP Operating Systems

17 COP 5994 - Operating Systems
Chapter 9: Memory COP Operating Systems

18 Evolution of memory organization
COP Operating Systems

19 COP 5994 - Operating Systems
Preparation: Self review questions Chapter exercises COP Operating Systems

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