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Translation -The main purpose of translation is to create proteins from mRNA  -mRNA serves as a template during protein synthesis -this means that, ultimately,

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Presentation on theme: "Translation -The main purpose of translation is to create proteins from mRNA  -mRNA serves as a template during protein synthesis -this means that, ultimately,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Translation -The main purpose of translation is to create proteins from mRNA  -mRNA serves as a template during protein synthesis -this means that, ultimately, only 4 different bases determine the entire genetic make-up of an organism

2 Translation -mRNA has sequences called codons that consist of three nucleotides -Each codon codes for a single amino acid -there are 20 different amino acids, and but there are 63 combinations of codons -most amino acids have several codon combos

3 Translation -A start codon signals the beginning of the sequence of codons to be translated, and a stop codon ends the process. (AUG = methionine, start codon)

4 Translation -Freely floating amino acids within the cytoplasm are bonded to tRNAs that transport the amino acid to the mRNA on the ribosome -As a ribosome moves along the mRNA, each mRNA codon is paired with a tRNA anticodon. Each amino acid is then added to the polypeptide

5 Translation

6 Translate This! “Translate” the following 3 RNA sequences below into a polypeptide. 1. AUG UUU GUG GGG UGU UAA 2. AUG UCU CCC ACA GCG UAG 3. AUG GAG AAA CAC UAU UGA

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