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Discussion on engaging with other partners

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1 Discussion on engaging with other partners
Ninth Meeting – Agenda Item IX DAC Network on Development Evaluation June 2009

2 The OECD and the DAC engaging with others
Priority partners in DAC Engagement: OECD members / DAC Observers: Korea, Mexico, Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Iceland, Czech Republic OECD accession candidates: Chile, Estonia, Israel, Russia, Slovenia Enhanced engagement countries: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, South Africa Arab donors The aims of the DAC’s engagement strategy : to promote information sharing and mutual learning about practices in development cooperation; to enhance mutual understanding about principles; and to improve the relevance and acceptance of DAC products.

3 Engaging with others: the Network’s role
How could the Evaluation Network (further) engage with other providers of development cooperation? Possible modes of engagement: sharing experiences and knowledge about the role and management of development evaluation; collaborating on specific projects, e.g. Turkish Glossary; sharing evaluation guidance, norms and standards; inviting observers or secondments in evaluation; inviting countries to participate in joint evaluations, e.g. China – NL. What about other partners (e.g. private foundations, civil society)?

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