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Arjun Bajaj Aabhas Sharma Abhinav Valluru Vinit Bhamburdekar

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Presentation on theme: "Arjun Bajaj Aabhas Sharma Abhinav Valluru Vinit Bhamburdekar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arjun Bajaj Aabhas Sharma Abhinav Valluru Vinit Bhamburdekar
RECON ROBOT TEAM 8 Arjun Bajaj Aabhas Sharma Abhinav Valluru Vinit Bhamburdekar

2 Software Design Considerations
Using a PIC32 100 I/O pins gives us plenty of room for peripherals 512 KB flash memory In-house support 80 MHz speed

3 Code overview Coded in C Tested using MPLAB and tera-term pro
Polling driven current location and battery level Interrupt driven camera control, motor control, sensor control ADC, UART, I/O, PWM

4 Robot code flow

5 Computer code flow

6 Code hierarchy

7 Questions? The floor is now open to any questions/concerns.

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