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Brittany Hadfield BTMM 4446 Assignment #12

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1 Brittany Hadfield BTMM 4446 Assignment #12
Telepresence Brittany Hadfield BTMM 4446 Assignment #12

2 Defining “Presence” Presence = (shortened form of “telepresence”), psychological state or subjective perception in which an individual’s current experience is generated by and/or filtered through human-made technology, yet the individual fails to accurately acknowledge the role of the technology in the experience (ISPR, 2000). Individuals can indicate correctly that s/he is using technology, yet tend to overlook the objects, events, entities, and environments perceived as if the technology was not involved in the experience (ISPR, 2000).

3 Everyday Presence Items
Items that obscure reality

4 Presence through Entertainment
Gaming Systems reflect actuality Television, Film, and Simulators engage the viewers

5 Real World Presence Technology disappears

6 Communication as Presence
Allows for instant contact

7 Examples of Telepresence
Formula One Simulator Creating 3D Street Art Bringing 3D Home Visual Communication: Skype

8 References "Presence Defined." International Society for Presence Research (2000): n. pag. Web. 24 Apr < Image Credit

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