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Collaborative Coaching

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1 Collaborative Coaching

2 Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkinson, 1985
WHY? One of the most important variables determining the literacy success or failure of an "at-risk" student is the quality of that student's literacy teachers. Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkinson, 1985 Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998 Ferguson, & Ladd, 1996

3 Farrell and Cirrincione, 1986
How? Teacher quality (knowledge and skills) is significantly influenced by the quality of professional development that teacher receives. Gallagher, 2002 Farrell and Cirrincione, 1986 Joyce and Showers, 1995 Lyons and Pinnell, 2001

4 So What is Quality Professional Development?
Authentic and job-embedded Ongoing Data-driven Outcome and task oriented Collaborative (synthesized from Cochran-Smith and Lytle, 1999; Darling-Hammond and McLaughlin, 1995; Joyce and Showers, 1995, 1996; McLaughlin and Talbert, 2001; Lieberman, 1995)

5 A literacy coach model for professional development is believed to be an effective approach for building teacher quality in literacy instruction that adheres to the 5 principles of professional development. Lyons and Pinnell, 2001 Sturtevant, 2003 Neufeld and Roper, 2003 Dole, 2004

6 So What Does it Look Like?
Modeling Observation Dialogue Learner centered Research based Focused and documented Action Research

7 Topic explored: Teaching and Learning cycle (poetry)   What do you know about the topic? I know that when I supplement my instruction I can be more efficient in my teaching if I know exactly what my students know and don’t know. I know that that in order to know more about my students I need to assess them and then evaluate the data to plan my teaching.  I need to supplement my students experiences in poetry.   What do you want to know about the topic? How can I use assessment to make my teaching more efficient so that I am not re-teaching information my students don’t need? How do I know what Poetry skills I need to teach?   Resources explored? Poetry literature Standards Blueprint   What steps am I taking to explore this topic? I will identify a poem in which I can assess the various skills associated with poetry. I will develop questions that go along with that poem and the associated skills. I will assess my students and plan begin planning my poetry instruction accordingly.

8 Topic discussed: Poetry (Teaching and Learning Cycle) Notes during demonstration/observation:   Student understandings of alliteration was not clear. In general the class showed weakness in the skill of determining the main idea of the poem.   The students showed a keen interest in reading poetry as they began to realize methods for reading it. Students enjoyed the challenge of reading for meaning.   Reflections/understandings developed:   From whole class reading demonstrations of supplemental poetry students are seemingly confusing the figurative aspects of poetry with literal meaning. A whole class created t-chart of the figurative aspects helped clarify. Furthermore, students were not attending to the pictures or titles to aid in their attainment of meaning. Students needed to be encouraged to re-read, think and ponder the meaning of the poems.   Change in practice:   I will teach for meaning in all text forms, as it proves to be motivational for the students. I will push students to go beyond the surface of the text, to make inferences and conclusions that will achieve deeper interpretations and meaning gathered of the text read.

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