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HPO Change Conference May 28, 2002

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1 HPO Change Conference May 28, 2002
Presentation by: Robert J. O’Neill, Jr., President National Academy of Public Administration

2 National Academy of Public Administration
Academy’s Vision: Make government work and work for all Founded 1967 Chartered by Congress 500 elected Fellows

3 National Academy of Public Administration
Improve the performance of government institutions at all levels Center for Improving Government Performance Center for Human Resources Management International eGovernance Center for Local and State Solutions Center for the Economy and the Environment Management Studies

4 National Academy of Public Administration Compelling Case For Change
Boundaries are Increasingly Irrelevant Governmental Organizational Blurring of Sectors Merging Technologies Demographics Velocity of Change

5 National Academy of Public Administration
“It is futile…to try to ignore the changes and to pretend that tomorrow will be like yesterday, only more so…” and that, “The first policy – and the foundation of all others – is to abandon yesterday.” Peter F. Drucker

6 National Academy of Public Administration
President’s Management Agenda Compliance tool or lever of change?


8 What caused other efforts to fail? Who can veto? Can anyone say yes?
National Academy of Public Administration Major Questions for Leadership What were the critical success factors in previous successful change efforts? What caused other efforts to fail? Are you prepared to take on the obstacles? Who can veto? Can anyone say yes? What is the organization’s risk profile?

9 What had created a window of opportunity? How long might it last?
National Academy of Public Administration Major Questions for Leadership What had created a window of opportunity? How long might it last? What is the upside for stakeholders? What will be the principle levers of change?

10 National Academy of Public Administration
“One of the keys to successful leadership is the refusal to believe that any business model, however sound and well crafted, is ever good enough to run on autopilot.” Extreme Management

11 National Academy of Public Administration
Lessons Learned Committed leadership is a prerequisite Shared values are important Build ownership in both the journey and the destination Communicate, engage and be visible Timing is everything Learn to tolerate different paces

12 National Academy of Public Administration
Lessons Learned Challenge the support system Invest in the champions Develop strategy for stragglers Don’t get caught up in techniques Push your risk profile Actively manage expectations Create an upside Focus on the long haul – culture of innovation and adaptability

13 National Academy of Public Administration

14 National Academy of Public Administration
“Vision without execution is called hallucination” Steve Case

15 National Academy of Public Administration
“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage, than the creation of a new system. For the initiation has the enmity of all who would profit by preservation of the old institutions and merely luke warm defenders in those would would gain by the new ones.” Machiavelli – 1513

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