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Do Now: Whiteboards/Small Group Discussion - What are some factors leaders should think about when making an important decision? (for example: their morals)

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Whiteboards/Small Group Discussion - What are some factors leaders should think about when making an important decision? (for example: their morals)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Whiteboards/Small Group Discussion - What are some factors leaders should think about when making an important decision? (for example: their morals) Aim: Did Constantine have a more positive or negative effect on the Roman Empire?

2 Focus Buzz Word: Persecution
Our focus for today is to think back to the Roman Empire. We will focus on how the spread of Christianity impacted it and the fall the empire. Our focus question is: Did Constantine have a more positive or negative effect on the Roman Empire?

3 Constantine

4 Persecution Treated badly because of race, religion or political beliefs

5 Background Reading Annotate for information about Constantine or Christianity When reviewing questions, spend some time on Constantine’s decision. Do you think he was crazy? What do you think Romans thought of his decision? Why would it have been seen as so radical? (christians were treated terribly) How would his decision have changed life for Christians?

6 They thought they should worship the emperor….

7 At first the Christians were persecuted...

8 Then Constantine (emperor) had a vision….

9 Diocletian (Emperor before Constantine) split it...
...and Constantine continues this because it was too large too rule. He moves the capital from Rome (Italy) to Constantinople (modern day Istanbul)

10 Constantinople

11 Map Analysis Why did so few people want to be a Christian before Constantine, and why did so many people want to be a Christian after Constantine?

12 Scenario In general, do you think it is better to assimilate or stand out? Why do you think the idea of Christianity and heaven would be so attractive to people living at this time?

13 Checking Our Understanding
How did Emperor Constantine change Christianity in Europe? Group work rubric

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