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The Journey from Novice to Senate

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1 The Journey from Novice to Senate
Everything You Need to Know By: Lexi Kallaher

2 Congratulations! You are now ready to take the next step in your Congress journey! I hope this guide helps your journey be as stress-free as possible.

3 Everything to know about moving from novice to house

4 Novice to house So you are done with your Novice days and are worried about House? Here are some quick tips and rules so you can have confidence going into your rounds! Continue to prepare even more. Even though you will probably get through less pieces of legislation in House, it’s important to be ready for anything Everyone in House is in there because they either just moved up from Novice or are too scared to move to Senate (aka they are NOT scary).

5 Novice to house If you are moving up to House at the normal time (1st tournament 2nd semester) it is just the SAME people In House you have the same parliamentary procedure, parli are still semi involved. You may see that you will only get through 2 pieces of legislation a session.

6 100% you= Built for success

7 Everything to know about moving from house to senate

8 House to Senate This is the last stop. You have tackled your first tournament in Novice, House, and soon to be Senate! In Senate the strategy of Congress really comes into play. You have to make sure that you have good priority, because as you already know, you want to give a speech in every round. Parli’s are only involved when a disagreement around the room breaks out Little things really play into if you will place in Senate. Such as, eye contact, movement, clash, how many questions, etc. You want to use every second of your time in a Senate Speech. You may think Senators sound amazing but often times, you listen to their speeches and there is absolutely NO evidence.

9 Advice from current Nwcta congress members

10 Advice from the current NwCTA Congress Team
Lance Ledet: “My biggest thing was, what I think is really important, is to learn that losing is really important because you know what you did wrong. Go to summer camp. Just keep going for your goals. Don’t get discouraged. After I didn’t do well at my first varsity tourney I thought I should go down to House but then I won 1st place at my second one, so just keep going. Self confidence is the difference between 1st and last in a round.”

11 Advice from the current NwCTA Congress Team
Taylor Kloos: “Look up from your notes and call people Senator (In Senate). Remember how important eye contact is and try to stay enthusiastic!” Mirlana O’Keefe: “Don’t be scared of people in JV, they may sound great but what they are actually saying doesn’t matter. As long as you have evidence and are confident you will do awesome. With Varsity just make sure what you are saying is impactful.”

12 Advice from the current NwCTA Congress Team
Lexi Kallaher: “I remember how nervous I was and believe me, you as a member of this debate team have nothing to fear. The biggest thing to remember is to fake it til you make it. YOU ARE a member of Congress.” Julian Sarabia: “(burp) Don’t get intimidated in the first 10 minutes. You have to remember you are good. Nothing will kill your confidence more than watching that first speech. Especially in Arizona.”

13 You are now ready to level up!!!

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