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Federal Programs Department: Plan4Learning
March 5 - 8, 2018 San Antonio Independent School District Federal Programs Department
The Connection: CNA, DIP/CIP, Budget & Plan4Learning
Per Federal and State Law, a district/campus can only spend funds for resources when they have been clearly identified in the CNA/DIP/CIP Plan4Learning is the tool that is utilized for the CNA/DIP/CIP it provides the template for the CNA/DIP/CIP the CNA/DIP/CIP is completed using District and campus data to identify needs and establish goals based on that data it provides the means to align the budget to the needs identified and goals set by departments/campuses in the CNA/DIP/CIP The Budget Resource Guide is a tool that can be utilized to assist in aligning the budget to the CNA/DIP/CIP
What is Plan4Learning? A web-based software that enables campuses & departments to develop the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) and Improvement Plan (DIP\CIP) in full compliance with state and federal laws. It also ties the CNA & Improvement Plans to the budget.
How can Plan4learning be used to align to Federal and State Law?
A CNA must be conducted to identify needs. An Improvement Plan must be written to address the needs that were identified in the CNA. Funding can only be spent on items included in the Improvement Plan which are addressing the needs identified in the CNA.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) Essential Components
One purpose of the CNA is to summarize the campus/department story and to identify strengths and weaknesses of existing programs, practices, procedures, activities using district and campus data. This will assist in determining and prioritizing strategies, funding source(s) and resources which align with the needs identified in the CNA.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) Essential Components
The outline of the CNA consists of the “Data Analysis Area” with four “Multiple Measures of Data”: Demographics Student Academic Achievement District Processes & Programs Perceptions
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) Essential Components
Each “Data Analysis Area” consists of: Summary Strengths Problem Statements and Root Causes Identifying Needs
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)
To be included in the budget, a written “Problem Statement” and “Root Cause” are required. Once the “Multiple Measures of Data” focus areas for the CNA are selected and the required Problem Statements with Root Causes are written, then the CIP needs to be detailed under the “Goals” section. This is where the (CNA) Problem Statement is aligned with the (CIP) Goal, Performance Objective, Strategy and Funding Source.
District Improvement Plan (DIP) and Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) Essential Components
One purpose of the DIP/CIP is to determine and prioritize strategies and their funding source(s) that address the needs identified in the CNA and align with the campus/department vision, goals, and performance objectives. The outline of a DIP/CIP consists of: Goal Performance Objective Strategy Strategy Funding
The DIP/CIP is detailed under the “Goals” section.
District Improvement Plan (DIP) and Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) Essential Components The DIP/CIP is detailed under the “Goals” section.
District Improvement Plan (DIP) and Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) Essential Components
Goal Performance Objective Strategy (ex. Student interventions, extend instructional time via Saturday school and before/after school tutoring, instructional field trips, build & maintain highly effective teaching via professional development, etc.).
District Improvement Plan (DIP) and Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) Essential Components
Once the Performance Objective has been added or selected, at least one strategy must be written that aligns with the Goal & Performance Objective and also identifies the fund number, resource needed, funding amount and CNA problem statement addressed. (Optional: utilize the account code field to produce a more robust campus/department budget report).
District Improvement Plan (DIP) and Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) Essential Components
The strategy and strategy funding must align with the “Problem Statement(s)” and “Root Cause(s)” that were written in the CNA under “Multiple Measures of Data” Problem Statement Identifying Needs. Above the Strategy funding section, click on “Add Problem Statements” (a drop-down window will appear) so that a problem statement(s) can be selected that aligns with the strategy. This will help to ensure that only strategies that address needs identified in the CNA are included in the CIP which also supports the eligibility of the expenditure.
How can Plan4learning be used to tie the budget to the CNA & Improvement Plan?
The Budget Resource Guide can be utilized as a tool for Plan4Learning to link Federal, State and Local funding sources in your CNA/DIP/CIP The Budget Resource Guide can assist with Resources Needed (general description) Fund Source Account Code
How Do You Get To This Tool?
SAISD website > Departments> Federal Programs> Federal Programs website Once in FPD Website: Click on the Department or Campus tab at the top of the website Scroll down to STAGE 4: Link the Plan to Federal, State, and Local Funding Sources Click on Plan4Learning Title I, Part A Budget Resource Guide
Budget Resource Guide
Goal, Performance Objective, Strategy (GPS)
Reminder: A GPS is needed for every expenditure submitted to the Federal Programs Department (i.e., requisitions, payroll, travel, etc.). Items submitted without a valid GPS cannot be processed.
Department GPS Examples
Campus GPS Examples
Schoolwide Program Requirements
NCLB Schoolwide Components to ESSA Schoolwide Elements
Starting in the School Year the NCLB Schoolwide Program Components will migrate to the ESSA Schoolwide Program Elements
NCLB Schoolwide Components to ESSA Schoolwide Elements
1.Comprehensive Needs Assessment 2. Schoolwide Reform Strategies 3. Instruction by Highly Effective Teachers 4. Supplemental Campus-based Professional Development 5. Strategies to Attract and Maintain Highly Effective Teachers 6. Supplemental Campus-based Parent Involvement /Parent and Family Engagement Strategies 7. Transition Services 8. Teacher Involvement in Academic Assessment Decisions 9. Effective and Timely Assistance for Students Who Experience Difficulty Reaching Mastery Standards 10. Coordination of Programs ESSA Schoolwide Elements (3) (Element 1) SWP Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) (Element 2) SWP Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) (Element 3) SWP Parent and Family Engagement
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)(Section 1114(b)(6)) Campuses operating a school-wide program must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school that includes: Information on the academic achievement of students in relation to the challenging State academic standards, particularly the needs of those students who are failing or are at-risk of failing, to meet the challenging State academic standards and any other factors as determined locally.
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) (Section 1114(b)) An eligible school operating a schoolwide program may use Title I funds for any activity that supports the needs of students in the school as identified through the comprehensive needs assessment and articulated in the schoolwide plan.
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) continued The school shall develop a Campus Improvement Plan that includes: A description of the strategies that the school will be implementing to address school needs, including a description of how the strategies will: provide opportunities for all children to meet the challenging State academic standards use methods and instructional strategies that strengthen the academic program in the school, increase the amount and quality of learning time, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum, which may include programs, activities, and courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education address the needs of all students in the school, but particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standards
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Parent and Family Engagement (Section 1116(b)(c)) A campus that receives Title I, Part A funds must conduct outreach to all parents and family members and implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members in programs assisted under this part consistent with this section. Such programs, activities, and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children.
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Parent and Family Engagement continued School Parent and Family Engagement Policy Campuses served under this part shall jointly develop with, and distribute to, parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family engagement policy, agreed on by such parents, that shall describe the means for carrying out the following requirements. Parents shall be notified of the policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language the parents can understand. The policy shall be made available to the local community and updated periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Parent and Family Engagement continued School Parent and Family Engagement Policy convene an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform parents of their school's participation in a SWP and to explain the requirements and the right of the parents to be involved; offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide, with funds provided by Title I, Part A, transportation, child care, or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement; involve parents, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under this part, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan, except if a school has in place a process for involving parents in the joint planning and design of the school's programs, the school may use that process, if such process includes an adequate representation of parents of participating children
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Parent and Family Engagement continued School Parent and Family Engagement Policy provide parents of participating children- timely information about programs under this part; a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the achievement levels of the challenging State academic standards; and if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible; and if the schoolwide program plan is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, submit any parent comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the LEA.
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Parent and Family Engagement continued School-Parent Compact Each campus served under this part shall jointly develop with parents for all children served under this part a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and how the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State's high standards.
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Parent and Family Engagement continued School-Parent Compact Such compact shall: describe the school's responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served under this part to meet the challenging State academic standards, and the ways in which each parent will be responsible for sup- porting their children's learning; volunteering in their child's classroom; and participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and positive use of extra-curricular time; and
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Parent and Family Engagement continued School-Parent Compact Such compact shall: address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum- parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, at least annually, during which the compact shall be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child's achievement; frequent reports to parents on their children's progress; reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child's class, and observation of classroom activities; and ensuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff, and, to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand.
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Parent and Family Engagement continued Building Capacity for Involvement To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school involved, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, each campus and LEA shall Provide assistance to parents in understanding the challenging State academic standards, assessments and how to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators to improve achievement Provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve student academic achievement
ESSA Schoolwide Elements
SWP Parent and Family Engagement continued Building Capacity for Involvement Educate staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents Coordinate parent involvement with other programs and ensure information sent to parents regarding parent involvement, to the extent practicable, is in a language parents can understand
(Element 3) SWP Parent and Family Engagement in CNA and CIP
Implementation of (Element 3) SWP Parent and Family Engagement
Parent and Family Engagement (Element 3 of ESSA Title I, Part A School- wide Program) is required to be indicated in the CNA and CIP. Campuses are required as part of the annual Title I Parent and Family Engagement Compliance Monitoring Review to provide documentation that shows where the CNA, CNA problem statement, and CIP addresses Parent and Family Engagement and where the CIP strategy is aligned with the P&FE CNA problem statement. The following slides illustrate how to meet this compliance requirement: address P&FE in the CNA, CNA problem statement, and CIP align the CIP strategy with the P&FE CNA problem statement
(Element 3) SWP Parent and Family Engagement in CNA and CIP
(Element 3) Parent and Family Engagement will need to be addressed in the CNA and CIP.
(Element 3) SWP Parent and Family Engagement in CNA and CIP
(Element 3) Parent and Family Engagement will need to be addressed in the CNA and CIP.
(Element 3) SWP Parent and Family Engagement in CNA and CIP
Align the Problem Statement in the CNA (a) to the Strategy in the CIP (b) CNA (a) CIP (b)
(Element 3) SWP Parent and Family Engagement in CNA and CIP
Align the Problem Statement in the CNA (a) to the Strategy in the CIP (b) (a) (b)
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The Federal Programs Department team is here to help
The Federal Programs Department team is here to help. If you need assistance please call our office at Thank you!
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