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Do Now Daily Proofreading Practice

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Daily Proofreading Practice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Daily Proofreading Practice
1. That mountain is the colder of any Ive seen. 2. Don’t never go up their.

2 I can acquire and use vocabulary.
approached section avalanches increases equipment tanks slopes altitude succeed halt

3 I can ask and answer text dependent questions
Read and Comprehend Target Skill: Author’s Purpose I can ask and answer text dependent questions I can use text features to locate information relevant to topic To show mastery, on graphic organizer, record detail referring to how the photo and caption on page 363 help the reader understand the text.

4 I can ask and answer text dependent questions
I can ask and answer text dependent questions. I can use text features to locate information relevant to topic. Genre: p. 346 Informational Text Set Purpose: Informational texts tell facts about a topic. The photographs show people climbing the mountain. One purpose for reading is to record detail referring to how the photo and caption on page 363 help the reader understand the text. What is your purpose for reading?

5 I can ask and answer text dependent questions
I can ask and answer text dependent questions. I can use text features to locate information relevant to topic. We do: Read 7. How long did it take for Temba to make his final climb? How can you tell? 358

6 I can ask and answer text dependent questions
I can ask and answer text dependent questions. I can use text features to locate information relevant to topic. We do: Read 7a. What graphic feature do you see? 358

7 I can ask and answer text dependent questions
I can ask and answer text dependent questions. I can use text features to locate information relevant to topic. picture Show his emotions Shows where landforms are map Gives facts topic related Boxed fact Boxed fact Gives facts topic related Explain the photograph caption Tells me what I need list diagram Labels or shows how something works It describes the picture and gives facts Fact box/caption Gives facts topic related Fact box

8 Stations Teacher Computer: Writing Listening Comprehension Library
I can ask and answer text dependent questions. I can recount story and determine the message from a story. Stations Teacher Computer: Writing Listening Comprehension Library Word Study Vocabulary

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