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Hybrid Testing Status 10 new hybrids brought by Lenny all tested

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1 Hybrid Testing Status 10 new hybrids brought by Lenny all tested
9 tested with no flaws 1 had 1 chip + 1 wirebond smashed Looks like finger (most likely FNAL) FNAL agreed to change packing technique 10 new hybrids just arrived from FNAL Plan to visual inspect first Test to keep up with production

2 Ladder Testing Status 8 modules bonded so far
1st module had 3 opens between PA-sensor and 2 opens between sensor-sensor for testing Gluing at edge of PA Removed all bonds from problems found in sensor probing Two channels found to have high noise which increase with voltage Damage found on sensor 2nd-4th module had bias return bonds missing Damage to bulk unrepairable Draw ~80 mA, ~600 mA, ~800 mA 2 opens between APV-PA found in one module, otherwise no other bonding problems Will turn into x-calibration pieces with shorts and pinholes added on purpose 5th and 6th modules perfect Three channels have high noise which increases with voltage Damage found on sensor 7th module had wirebond damage on ~40 channels between APV and PA Not clear how or when 8th module had no bonding problems Channels found bad in sensor probing pulled 2 channels has increasing noise vs. voltage Neighbors of pinhole found in probing

3 Ladder Testing Summary
Bias Current Sensor Bad Channels Bonding Bad Channels Testing Bad Channels Total % Bad Channels Grade Comments 876 1090 nA 1.5+2 3 1 1.4% B 2 channels with high noise not in sensor probing 0018-P1 613 mA 1.5 Bulk damage 5.5 F Missing bias bonds, turn into x-calibration piece 0019-P1 758 mA 9.5 2.1% 0024-P1 89 mA 4.5 Bulk damage+2 1.2% Missing bias bonds, turn into x-calibration piece; 2 opens during APV-PA bonding 877 930 nA 0 (1??) 0.0% A One channel has increasing noise with voltage; sensor damage seen 878 1100 nA 0 (2??) Two channels have increasing noise with voltage; sensor damage seen 879 ~ 40 smashed wirebonds APV-PA, reconverable 880 720 nA 2(+2??) 0.3% Neighbors of pinhole 550 V

4 Summary 4 of 8 bonded modules good Of 4 good modules
3 had bias return bonds missing 1 has ~40 APV-PA bonds smashed Can be repaired Of 4 good modules All have channels with increasing noise vs. voltage 2 channels on 1 ladder due to inherit pinhole 5 channels total on 3 ladders due to lithographic errors in sensor production Not seen in wafer probing

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