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WebHopper, Student Timesheets, and You Students use WebHopper to submit timesheets electronically for approval. Supervisors will use WebHopper to approve.

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Presentation on theme: "WebHopper, Student Timesheets, and You Students use WebHopper to submit timesheets electronically for approval. Supervisors will use WebHopper to approve."— Presentation transcript:



3 WebHopper, Student Timesheets, and You Students use WebHopper to submit timesheets electronically for approval. Supervisors will use WebHopper to approve student timesheets. The following slides provide an overview of the time entry/submission process. If you have any questions, contact Human Resources.

4 After logging in to WebHopper….select

5 Select

6 Select to get started. Click SUBMIT to proceed. Note: Start, End, and Complete By Dates

7 Enter your time worked indicating am or pm. You can even enter minutes. Woohoo!

8 You can enter your time each day. To save the time youve entered, just click SUBMIT below. Dont select this box until youre ready to submit your timesheet to your supervisor!!

9 Your hours entered to date… After submitting, heres what youll see. Youre not finished.

10 Once youve finished entering time for the pay period… Select Click SUBMIT

11 Total hours entered for pay period… After submitting, heres what youll see. Click OK and youre finished!!

12 After clicking OK on the Confirmation screen, you end up here. Now go and enjoy life….

13 When you submit a timesheet for approval, a notification email is sent to the supervisor.

14 When your timesheet is approved or rejected, you will receive a notification email from your supervisor. If you dont receive an approval or rejection email, be sure to follow up with your supervisor!! Allow up to three days from the Complete By Date before contacting your supervisor.

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