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Our Solar System! Our Solar System!! By: Grace Leslie.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Solar System! Our Solar System!! By: Grace Leslie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Solar System! Our Solar System!! By: Grace Leslie

2 Our Solar System! There are 8 planets in our solar system.
They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn ,Uranus , and Neptune.

3 Inner Planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the planets In the inner solar system. The planets located in the inner solar system are located before a asteroid belt that separates Mars ad Jupiter. They have a hotter climate than the outer planets because they are farther away from the sun.

4 Inner Planets cont. Mercury-Has a rough surface, it is the color grey, and has no clouds. Mercury is very hot since it is the closest planet to the sun. Venus- has a smooth surface in some places, is shrouded by thick clouds. Earth-has 1 moon, no rings, has light, and is the only planet in our solar system that can support life. Mars- Known as the Red planet since it is the color red. Has no rings but has 2 moons.

5 Mercury Venus Earth Mars

6 Outer Planets in our Solar System
The planets in the outer soar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They are located after the asteroid belt that separates Mars and Jupiter. The climate is usually colder in the outer planets since they farther away from the sun than the inner planets.

7 Outer planets cont. Jupiter- It is the biggest planet in our solar system. Has 3 small rings and has 63 known moons. Saturn- has a huge ring, 50 identified moons, and is a gas giant. Uranus- is a greenish blue color and has a ring. Also has 27 moons. Neptune- Is a blue color. It is the farthest planet from the sun.

8 Saturn Jupiter Uranus Neptune

9 Earth Surface Earth is the only planet in our solar system that currently supports life!! 70% of Earth’s surface is covered in water. The other 30% is land. There are 5 oceans on Earth. They are: Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Southern Ocean Artic Ocean

10 Earth’s Surface The largest ocean is the Pacific Ocean.
The smallest ocean is the Artic Ocean. Earth is home to many diverse landscapes .It is home to deep canyons (The Grand Canyon), huge mountains (Mt. Everest), deep lakes, and long winding rivers. How are Canyons formed? Canyons are formed by rivers. Earth has very diverse temperatures, too varying from snow, sun, rain, or sleet.

11 Mar’s Surface Mars has many volcanoes, craters, and crustal movement.
Mars largest volcanoes is the Olympus Mons and has a big canyon system called the Valles Marineris. The first spacecraft to visit Mars was the Mariner 4. Mars lacks plate tectonics.

12 Mar’s Surface Did You Know?!!?
Scientists think Mars experienced huge floods 3.5 billion years ago. Mars got it’s name after the Roman god of war called Ares since the planet is the color red. Mars does not currently have any oceans.

13 Curiosity Curiosity is a robot that weighs 2,000 pounds.
It has many different mechanical parts like wheels, arms, lenses, and even a laser that can drill into rocks! It’s purpose is to find if there was ever any life on Mars and to find information about Mars atmosphere, surface, etc. Curiosity has found strange patterns in rock that suggest there was a river there.

14 Difference Between Earth & Mars
Mars does not have any magnetic poles . Earth has a very diverse population of different creatures. Earth has a different atmosphere than Mars. Earth is bigger than Mars. Earth has more gravity than Mars.

15 How Earth & Mars are the Same
Mars and Earth are both located in the inner solar system. They do not have rings. Mars and Earth both have moons. Each planet has roughly the same amount of surface area.

16 Hope you Liked The Slideshow!

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